Friday, October 31, 2008

I found, it, I found it, I found it

Woohoo I found it!

So excited. I wazs cleaning up in my scrapping room - packing away the goodies from Paperific that I had just dumped on my scrap desk and sorting out the lace packs I had in piles on the floor. Anyway.......

When placing things away - there in the back of the cupboard, tucked away. I found this albeit small but very exciting bundle of.............

You'll never guess! In amongst all the new goodies I had bought was a small clump of..............................................................

Scrapping mojo! YAY ~L~

All of a sudden had not just heaps of enthusiasm but ideas popping around in my little head! I know exactly what I will be doing this weekend. Hope I found enough mojo to stretch over the whole weekend! Can't wait to get started.


Cass said...

LOL - You're a funny girl! :) Can't wait to see what you create.

miss~nance said...

Have fun creating.