Friday, December 26, 2008

Boxing Day

Today we had a nice quiet day. We spent most of the day at home resting, the kids played with their new games etc and I read one of my new books! All in all a nice quiet peaceful day.

Then in the afternoon we went down to see Mone, Greg and family as we hadn't been able to catch up with them on Christmas day.

Then we went out to Greenwell Point to buy some fish and chips for dinner and sat and ate by the waterfront.
Looking forward to catching up with Mark, Mel and Declan tomorrow. We haven't seen them since Sept last year before they moved to Dubai so I can't wait to see them and find out how they are going. Then Sunday we are going to Goulburn to see my uncle and cousins. It's been about 18 months since we saw them as well so this weekend will be a busy one but I can't wait.