Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears (well almost!)

Well we went for one of our "family drives" again and this time we ended up at Mogo Zoo. somewhere I had been planning on taking the kids for a while but it was great to do it with all four of us! As it is one of those not really planned things we didn't get there until about 1pm but we still had a great time. I LOVE big cats and you get to see them so close here. Hhmmm doesn't look too scary here! Wouldn't want to be in there with it though ~L~How gorgeous does this look! They have white lions as well which are amazing but my pics didn't come out too good.So there is the lions and tigers - couldn't get bears! But this Red Panda was just so cute had to include him too!But my all time favourite would be the otters. I love watching them run around and play - they are so cute and I could sit and watch for hours.

My other fav of the day was the Tapir. Not an animal that has interested me a great deal in the past but they were having so much fun, running around the compound and then diving and splashing in the pond, swimming around and showing off. They were amazing.

Oh and I found these two monsters there as well!

It was a great day and if you get a chance go down and see the animals. I have so many pics but only put a few here.


Cass said...

Great photos! Looking forward to seeing the mini album. ;)