Friday, October 09, 2009

Another one done

Wooo hooo it's Friday again! This one seemed to take an awful long time to get here. I guess partly because the kids are on holidays and I am aware of how little time I get to spend with them (infact my work hours jump dramatically in school holidays) but also because as just mentioned I have worked every day this week.... don't get me wrong - I love my job. It is always fun to go to and the girls I work with are great....... it would just be nice to be with the family too. But we can't have it both ways so I just long for my Fridays! (Although I will be working tomorrow so I guess it's not technically the end of my week!)

Hhhhmmm I wonder if you went back over my posts just how many mention happiness related to Fridays. (probably more than I want to know ~L~)

On top of work this week has been a stressful one generally - not for any one reason but just lots of little ones iykwim. I guess my biggest thing I have been thinking of this week is just how grateful I am for my friends and the fact that I have three amazing people who I know are there for me always and any time. Love you guys so much MWAH


Cass said...

Love you too darl. Thanks for your support this week. *big hugs*