Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Yeah, yeah I know I am slow updating properly. Will get there. Hope this will tide you over until then:

Todays Prompt: What do you like best about yourself?

Answer: Easy (well I did have to give it some thought when asked a similar question a couple of weeks ago) - the best thing about me is..................................... my friends!
I have 3 amazing friends who I could not survive without. Miss Jane, SJ and Cass. I know you hear this a lot around here but I love these girls and honestly don't know if I would be standing (well okay sitting at the moment) without them.

Yeah kind of a cheating answer but its the main thing that jumps into my head. Couldn't really think of anything else


Cass said...

*hugs* :)

Hey, guess where I went today?!

Sandra Allan said...

aw honey, I think that we love you just as much... ~tight squishes~

.... pst... Check your email box ;-)