Wednesday, February 04, 2009

15 Years

Well it is now 15 years since Tony and I got married. Who would have thought we'd make it this far - Well I certainly didn't! Such a lot has happened in the last 15 years - well 18 years all together. Okay I know I can't claim a constant 18 years we definately have had our ups and downs but we got through it all.

Thinking back on whay we have achieved has been interesting and I had planned on a sort of photo trip down memory lane but the scanner does not want to play so you may have to use your imagination.

(See here is a picture of a young looking me and much much younger looking Tony - a guy who worked out at the gym and played sport every night of the week and had a head full of black hair)

We got married on an overcast day with short periods of rain - perfectly timed. It rained during the morning. Cleared up in time for the wedding. Rained during the service. Stopped afterwards so we could have photos outside the church. Then started to rain again so we went to the photographers studio for photos. Then it cleared up on the way to the reception so we could get some outside pics before waiting till we got inside the reception to start raining again. God was very good to us! We should have known better than to plan something on show weekend! ~L~

(here is a wedding photo!)

We have had two great kids.

(again there should be pics here of two little babies - both with headfulls of hair)

We don't always agree and I don't think either of us is easy to live with but I am so glad that i have this man by my side and on my side when the times get tough. He can be irritatingly stubborn but can also be relyingly stubborn. He can be terribly pig-headed and also fiercely loyal. He is a wonderful father and adored by his kids. He stands by me and by us when I give up and throw my hands up in despair. He refuses to give up on us and gets mad at me when I don't push for the best for me. He stands up for me when I feel I can't stand up for myself. He puts me first without putting me on a pedestal. He believed in us when I had believed we had no future. Most importantly he is there - always.

There is a song that I have in my car that always remonds of Tony. It is a song by Bob Carlisle called "A man of his word" and this one verse always grabs me:

He was a rock
He was the one that she ran to
And when he said the words "Forever"
She knew that it was true
He wasn't a saint
But he was saint enough for her
He was a man,
A man of his word.

Anyway we have managed to raise two kids who (so far) haven't turn out too badly. And we have stuck together - we made it to 15 years against the odds (and against my best efforts to try and make sure we didn't) and even though we don't always get it right and we don't always get it without upset and tears but we do get there together.

So I guess what I am saying is Thank you Tony for sticking by me and for having faith in us and our marriage when I didn't. Thank you for being there for me always and for believing I am worth standing beside and standing up for. MWAH. Thanks for 15 years - may we have heaps more.


miss~nance said...

Oh Cathy this post made me cry, was so beautifully written and I know it came from the heart.

Love you both lots and Happy annieversary for yesterday.



Cass said...

Happy anniversary! :)

Sandra Allan said...

Im with you Gail.. i have tears too... Cathy... that is so beautiful... Congratulations on reaching such a milestone... Love you..