Friday, February 27, 2009


Woo hoo. The countdown is over - it is Girls Weekend time! Can't wait to catch up with these girls and (much as I love them) to have some girl time away from the family.

When I get home it will be March - How did that happen?!? 2 months of this year gone already! Life will continue to be busy in March. Looks like I might have some extra shifts at work which will be soooo good, this current economic period has us stretched so tight. Also this month my boy will be turning into a teenager and my dear friend Jane has a birthday coming up. Hmm lets see - who else - Cass's DH has a b'day early in the month and Greg is in their somewhere too! I would love to get down to Melbourne to see SJ (who is one person who is so glad that February is over - what a shocker!!) but can't see that happening. :(

Hope wherever you are and whatever you are doing you have a great weekend and I will catch up on the other side of it!


miss~nance said...

Have a great time Cath - I know you will.
