Friday, February 20, 2009

One week to go!

Woo hoo the count down is on! Can't wait for next weekend.

A weekend (from fri night to sunday afternoon) just spending time catching up, chatting, and scrapping. What more could a girl ask for?!? I am so excited and thankyou to the wonderful Mel for organising this and inviting me to join them. I was so happy to get an invite. So thank you Mel - organiser extraordinaire (this girl could manage a small country easily!)

Details: a small group (only 10) of girls to sit and chat with and spend the weekend scrapping with. Some of these girls i have met and spent time with before and some I have never met before - which does kind of stress me a little but the girls I have met are so lovely and friendly so i am sure all their friends will be just as nice. Most of these girls meet up regularly to scrap together so I will be the "new girl". It sounds like so much fun and should be a wonderful relaxing and casual time. (All this and we have a pool if it gets too hot!). Oh and I get to share a room with Cass!

Can't wait - 7 days to go!


Cass said...

I'm counting down the days too! :D

miss~nance said...

Sounds wonderful - I am sure you will have a great time.

Cass said...

One night to go!!!