Thursday, February 10, 2011

What a week

Wow - what a massive week of ups and downs. We have had laughs, tears and lots in between.

The kids are both settling into school and we have a few dramas..... poor Tasha, sitting my kids down with a box of matches and telling them have fun and play is not something I have thought of doing.... unfortunately in Tasha's first week of high school lighting matches was on the science curriculum and as she couldn't light her match first go and then had everyone in the class watching and laughing it took her some time to light matches with a shaking, nervous hand. Apart from that we have had lots of homework, merit awards, swimming carnival, we have 2 x school camps coming up (one each child) and I am sure there is much more to come!

I have two weeks of work left before starting a new phase of life with much more flexibility to work around mum's treatment etc. Mum has had a rotten couple of weeks with very high pain levels, a MASSIVE jump in cancer markers and starting a new very radical course of chemotherapy.

Tony and I celebrated 17 years of marriage (yes Tony says I can claim all those 17 years as we were married the whole time ~L~) with a lovely dinner out at Red Raven. It was so lovely to have a nice night out with Tony and I wish it was something we could do more often.

Tony is in for a busy time with three weeks of helping one of the posties out so he will be doing his regular night hours (if not more as they have people away) as well as doing a mail run during the day - not quite sure when he will get sleep in. I am away the last weekend of Feb so I pity the poor kids as they have to cope with a sleep deprived Dad for the weekend.