Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quote of the day

"You can’t make footprints in the sands of time if you’re sitting on your butt. And who wants to make buttprints in the sands of time?"
- Bob Moawad

Monday, November 17, 2008

Today was a big day!

Today was Kyle's orientation day at high school. Poor Kyle was feeling really quite nervous this morning as we headed off to school. The day started with a meeting in the hall with the year advisor where we got all sorts of different info for next year. Most of the kids were actually students who had been at the school for primary school. There was only about 5 "new" kids ~ Kyle was one of these. Then the kids went off for the day and Tony and I went in to speak to the bursar and then hit the uniform shop before heading back to the car.

Walking through the playground we noticed the kids were having recess and when I turned around my heart just about broke in half. Kids were playing and chatting and there was our boy - sitting there all by himself quietly eating his recess. He is so shy and takes a while to make new friends but it broke my heart to see him just sitting there with kids all around him but sitting by himself. I just wanted to stay but I knew we had to leave. I know in my head he will slowly make friends but in my heart it was so hard.

Anyway when we picked him up at the end of the day he was happy. He enjoyed the day, had fun with the different lessons (they did a mock timetable for them), and actually played handball with some other kids at lunch time. Not kids his own age - apparently some older high school kids saw him sitting alone and asked him to join them - but it was a start.

I really thought the hard day was kindergarten but this was so much harder because in Kindergarten they make friends much easier. I wish they could stay in Primary school forever.

Quote of the Day

In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.

Albert Schweitzer

What a social weekend!

Well from feeling kind of like a hermit we made up for it this weekend!

With Tony's hours we don't tend to do much socialising. However on Friday Tony started 2 weeks holidays and he didn't get time to take a breath before the catch up began!

Friday night we had Davina, Steve, Gail, John, Haylee, Royce and Megan over for a bbq dinner. Once again Tasha had better plans! She went off to the circus for a birthday party. Apparently it was "the best circus ever" and we were regaled stories and a blow by blow description of all things circus.

Then Saturday we went over to the Baldwins for their housewarming party. Met some new people, caught up with some old friends and had a pleasant evening sitting and chatting with some people who had a child in soccer's team last season.

Sunday Cass came down and went to church with us before coming home for lunch and then we had her card making class where we made more gorgeous christmas cards. These classes are heaps of fun and I can't wait for the next one. It was also a great afternoon catching up with Jane, Jess, Kristy and Kylie. Oh and we had Jhorjie over for Tasha and Jayden came over to play with Kyle.

All in all a very social weekend - and next weekend looks just as busy - bet Tony regrets taking holidays now ~L~ If I could just fit in a Melbourne trip and a shopping trip everything would be great!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

What a shocker of a weekend!

Well, for poor Tasha anyway!

Tony picked Tasha up from school in tears because she had a headache and hadn't felt well and they had a relief teacher who told her to just go get a drink and come back to class. Anyway about 10pm she comes wandering out to the lounge room telling me she felt "really" sick. She had that shiny glowing face and when I took her temp it was 39.3! And then it went up to 39.7 before the thermometer started telling me it was "too high to register". So we tried to cool her down and gave her some Panadol (which is always a worry cause it always makes her vomit when she has a temp) and then put her in my bedroom with the fan on and had a very restless night.

Still had a temp Saturday morning and was very dopey and lethargic most of the day and into Saturday night. Woke up Sunday feeling slightly better, temp only low 37's so she was doing better.

Then to top off a bad weekend - she went outside to sit and play with her brother and somehow managed to whack her head on Tony's weight bar. don't ask me I don't know how!?! and then........

and I thought this was just an excuse - I didn't realise it actually happened....................................

she came out to show me her homework and the dog tried to eat it!!! Not just once but she reached for it 4 times!!!!! Could you imagine going to school and seriously telling the teacher "the dog ate my homework!" ~L~
Anyway everyone is happy and well now, the homework is safe and we are just about ready to face the new week (IF I get through all this ironing first!)

Friday, November 07, 2008

Fun with photos

I have had heaps of fun playing with photos tonight! I dream of getting photoshop elements one day as I have no photo editing software except for the very basic program that came with our printer so when I get the chance to "play" I jump in. However, this is playing with a difference!

This first one is a pic of SJ taken at Darling Harbour, posing on the ground in front of the fountain ~ as you do (Well if you are as mad as us you do!)
A pic of Cass and I taken at a scrap day in Sydney makes a lovely wall hanging!

Heres that SJ pic on another billboard! for some reason this background just seemed to "fit" her really well. (And there wasn't even any pink icing or flavoured vodka!)
Kyles fav movie is Pirates of the Caribbean so he thought this pic was excellent

And finally a gallery pic! This pic is a very special one to me ~ it was not the first time I had met the Allan's (that had happened a few months before at Norah head and I had met up with SJ again at a craft show in Canberra) but this was the first time I had spent some decent time with the family (and even scrapped with SJ)...... Gail and I drove to Canberra to see them before they headed down to Melbourne to live.

So yes I have had fun playing with photos but they are all very special photos that sit in my "fav pics" folder. Special pics of special people