Saturday, April 26, 2008

A fun day!

Had a great day today.

We invited some of our friends over for a bbq lunch. All though we have been friends with these people for some time and consider them all to be special friends we have not actually had them all together before so they hadn't met each other!

Having said that everyone got on really well. We had Cassandra, Dale, Callum and Annabelle, Gail and Daniel, Jane and Simon and Tracy and Jacob! Add the four of us in there and it was quite a crowd!! Everyone got on well ( I think) and I had a great time catching up.

The kids all played well together which is always nice. The only problem with a group that size is you don't get to spend a lot of one-on-one time but it was still a very pleasant day.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Long Weekend

Well this week is over! Thought it would be a massively busy one but surprisingly it hasn't been too bad.

Worked full time but work was quite pleasant and definately not too rushed.

Looking forward to the weekend. Tasha is marching with Girls Brigade at the local Anzac Day Ceremony tomorrow (well hopefully she isn't feeling well at the moment so hope she will be okay in the morning).

Saturday we have some friends coming over for lunch so I am really looking forward to catching up and having a good chat!

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Monday, April 21, 2008

All music'ed out!

What a busy weekend we had!

First we headed off to the Acer Arena at Homebush to see High School Musical on ICE. The show was really good. The kids were just happy to hear the music - I loved the skating. I have always loved ice skating (saw Torvill and Dean years ago!).

Tony picked us up after the show and we went back to our motel. GORGEOUS. I wasn't expecting much because we had a really cheap package deal but the hotel was beautiful and our room was amazing!

If you ever get the chance to stay at the Courtyard by Marriott at Parramatta I would recommend it. Gorgeous open fire in the lobby - beautiful atmosphere - wonderful staff who all called us by name!!
Our room was actually 2 interconnecting rooms with a small sitting room.

We went to Lone Star for dinner - YUM YUM! and breakfast was a buffet at the restaurant which was included in our accommodation.

Then on the way home we were going to go to Parklea Markets but after drving round and round and round and...... well you get the picture :)...... we gave up on that idea and went to Miranda Fair instead!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

A wonderful day

Had a great day today! Tasha, "Lachlan" and myself spent the day with Cass, Callum and Annabelle.

Who is Lachlan?? Good question! We weren't sure either! But Callum seemed to think it was a good name for Kyle - he couldn't remember his name so he just became Lachlan. Why not !?!

We had a nice quiet peaceful day. This kids played together, the mums sat and chatted and Cath and Tasha got lots of Annabelle cuddles.

Thanks to Cass for having us and to Callum for sharing his toys with Tasha and the other kid!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Mail !!!!

Tony came in this morning with a parcel for me. I love getting mail and after noting that this had come from Melbourne I turned it over to see the return address. It said

"Sunshine and happiness package"

and inside was a gorgeous hand made card with a gorgeous message.

Thanks SJ you put such a great big smile on my dial! Love you sweetie

Monday, April 14, 2008

Another weekend gone :(

After a busy week I was looking forward to the weekend and it was lovely!

Saturday we piled in the car again for what seems to be our regular family outing! This time we ended up on the harbour at Kiama. The kids were fascinated watching the fisherman cleaning and gutting their fish and sat and watched for ages. They also got to see a group of 4 sting rays come up to wharf which was pretty cool.

After our day out we came home and I was feeling pretty shattered so went off for a nana nap at 6pm to be woken by Tony at 7.00 to say "Time to get up - we have reservations for 7.30. I'm taking you out for dinner!"

1/2 an hour to wake up, have a shower, dry my hair, pick clothes, put my face on etc etc. (well really 20 mins allowing for travel time) YIKES.
I am proud to say I almost managed it - we were about 10-15 minutes late.

We went out to Pelican Rocks - I have never been there before. The meals were beautiful, service wonderful - the only down side was the cockroach that scuttled across our table mid meal! Thanks to the Combers for having the kids for us for a couple of hours. We had discussed the need for a weekend away just the two of us but dinner out was as far as the money would go.

Sunday was a nice quiet day spent potteirng around the house, trying to declutter. It is slowly starting to work!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My super hero!

Well, bet you didn't know I had a superhero in my house, did you?? ~L~

For girls brigade end of term party they had a dress up night (as usual). This terms theme was super hero - real or imaginary.

Tasha thought long and hard and came up with the super hero that every town needs! For days when the wind catches you by surprise or you had bad bed hair - call the EMERGENCY HAIRDRESSER ~L~

What a great idea. Could do with one of those!

Love these pics of Tasha, especially the close up of her and the brush. the look on her face is so cute!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A great weekend

Had a great time last weekend!

Gail, Haylee and I drove up to Barden Ridge (about 10 minutes from Engadine) for a scrapping day. Met up with the wonderful Cass and had some great chats and great cuddles (and got some cuddles from Annabelle too!). Met Marion for the first time and also caught up with Tracy. We went to Scrapbook HQ for a spot of shopping mid afternoon too.

I finally got my holiday photos started so that was exciting. Scrapping, shopping and chatting - what a great way to spend a day!

The next morning Gail, Haylee and I got our scrapping stuff out of the car and spent a couple of hours scrapping on the two tiny tables in the hotel room. Not ideal space but we all managed.

THEN we went to Miranda Fair!!!! Yep lots of spending!!!!

Heart problems!

Not mine this time!!!!

We took Maggie to the vet on Friday because she has been struggling for breath lately and (almost $500 later) we found out she has dilated cardiomyopathy. Which basically means her heart is enlarged and the lining is thinner.

Anyway the end result is we now have a dog on heart tablets and diuretics!!!!!!! The long term prognosis isn't good. I know she has only been with us for about 6 months but she is part of our family now. We knew when we got her from Mark that she was old and wouldn't last long but you sort of become complacent until something like this jumps up and slaps you in the face.