Monday, December 10, 2012

All I want for Christmas

Says it all really!

Friday, December 07, 2012

40th Birthday (Part 1)

Well I guess you only turn 40 once don't you... so it was time to do it in style!
On the 1st of December I had my first 40th birthday party.... yes I did say my first.... next weekend is a party with the Lucas family and then more celebrations on my actual birthday!
When designing a birthday cake it (of course) had to include a handbag and having the book was an added bonus.  The cake was made by Kellie Cakes on Worrigee Street in town and she did an amazing job.  And it tasted great too.... chocolate mud cake!
 The tables were decorated with jars filled with my favourite lollies as a child and there were some of my favourite toys scattered ove rthe table for people to play with.  Rubik's cubes, slinkies, tiddlywinks, Lego, snakes and ladders, go fish.... to name a few!
 The first thing that was organised for the party .... at Tasha's suggestion.... was the hire of a photobooth.  It was a lot of fun and at the end of the night I had fun photos of nearly every person at the party.  (One person managed to escape without getting their photo taken). 
You pose for four pics and they are then printed out in a photostrip which is given to the guest and a copy of it was placed in an album where the guest could write a message.  A copy of every photo taken was also given to me on a disc.
Why was this party important to me?  This party meant so very much to me as a few years ago my Mum was determined that if she made it to the age of 70 she would celebrate.  Unfortunately due to other circumstances she ended up not having that party and not long after that we were told her cancer had returned.  We ended up giving her a celebration for her 71st with all her dearest friends and it was a treasured day of memories (and also her last birthday before she died).
It made me aware that we should not put things off and I decided then and there that my 40th would be spent with my special friends.  Each person invited was very special to me and I was so extremely thankful to everyone who came.  Some travelled from long distances to be there and some were local but I am so grateful for each one of them that made me feel like I was worth putting that one night (or weekend for those who travelled) aside to celebrate with me.
With my own breast cancer scare in the past few months it was even more important to "seize the day"
We ended up having 49 people there - and I would like to thank each and every one of them.
 I have some of the best friends ever and I will admit in some of my low times I wondered if anyone would feel I was worth the celebration but I was blown away by the effort made by people to come along. 
I only wish the evening went longer.... The photobooth was fun but there were so many people I missed having my pic taken with - luckily I have the album with their photos to remember the night by.

Next weekend is a bbq at home with the Lucas family.  There are just waaayyyy too many of them to invite along to the party but I couldn't celebrate without them so I am looking forward to the next installment of my 40th birthday!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Well we are half way through our week in Sydney and all is going well.

Kyle is really enjoying his time at Vibewire - not only is he finding the people there to be very welcoming and friendly but he is doing so much.  He has been out with a film crew and he has been given his own articles to write for their website along with some editing projects to work on.  Very busy!

As for me... I have simply been enjoying the time to wander around and explore.
Monday I spent wandering around Pitt St Mall and QVB, doing lots of window shopping and strolling into proper shops without people wanting to go!  I tracked down Galaxy bookstore.... oh heaven.  They are a specialist book store that sell sci-fi fantasy and horror.  A geek's dream!  I did visit the Lindt cafe to find that they no longer sell strawberry dipping platters.... what a travesty.

Tuesday was my day to play tourist.  I started by jumping on the city sightseeing bus and doing the city route which goes through the rocks, to the harbour bridge, opera house and through the centre of town - it takes about 2 hours and was really interesting.  Then I changed buses and did the Bondi tour.  I hve never actually been to Bondi beach before so it was great.  Then we weaved back through Rose bay etc to come back into the city.  I then spent some time in Madame Tussaud's at Darling Harbour.  They don't have anywhere near as many ffiggures as London but you can interact with them much better in Sydney!

Wednesday my morning was spent at the aquarium.  I LOVE aquariums but from past experience my family tend to walk through at a vigorous pace and glance in tanks as they rush by.  So today I took advantage of the chance to stroll through and stop and look.  I spent ages watching the rays and the sharks.  I love the sharks.  I spent some time chilling in front of the penguins and met a rather "friendly" dugong who I have named Randy.  He did try to get very friendly with the wall quite a few times.  I think the divers were happy they had a mesh wall between them!

I have walked..... a lot..... although my husband tells me that because I dont have the pedometer it doesn't count!  I have to say my legs are just about to give in.
It has been great staying with Mark and Mel... Kyle and Declan have been having a great time together.

Plans for the rest of the week... tomorrow I will take Kyle into the city and then head back to Mark's to get ready for work... yes thats right working on my week off!.... well actually I am heading into a software company office for a demo of their medical software.  Have a loooooong list of questions for them.... he he wonder if they are prepared for me?

Then Friday.... who knows... I was planning on spending it down at circular quay and the rocks but the weather report doesn't look promising so we will have to wait and see.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A month!!

Wow... we have been home from our holiday for over a month now and what a month it has been.

It's one of those weird time paradoxes (paradoxii ??) in that the last month has been so busy and seems to have flown but it also seems like it is months since we were away.

The last month has provided lots of dramas and interesting (??) times.  It seems that Tasha has decided her new favourite place to hang out at school is the Principals office!  She must like it a lot - she spends a lot of time there.  She has also been testing things at home as well... boy am I so glad of the deal made many years ago.  (you see when we had babies Tony was much more used to dealing with teenagers than litle children so he made a very silly deal.... I would be responsible for the baby care and he would do the teenage years!   haha.  He thought that workign with youth would prepare him.... soooooo different when its your own1  Oh and he probably thought by the time they were teenagers I would forget the deal.... no such luck!).

Yesterday my little boy (who is taller than me..... he gets that from my dad's side of the family) officially finished junior high.  He has a week of work experience next week and then he returns to high school as a senior student and starts his HSC studies.  WOW that happened so quickly.

Work has been full of ups and downs.... unfortunately we have not won the lotto so I must continue going!  Tony is back at work and heading into their busy time of year.

As for me.... the last month has been full of highs and lows.  I have had my own health scares this month and have gone through more testing, poking and prodding.... however I do have the best friends ever.  They are there to support me.  They give me their love and care.  They remind me to smile.  They let me vent.  I really don't know what I would do without them.

The next month looks to be a busy one as well.  Tomorrow Kyle and I head for Sydney for the week.  Kyle has work experience with Vibewire in Ultimo so we will be staying with my big brother for a week.  I plan to catch the train in with Kyle each morning and then fill my days exploring the city... doing all the things that I have wanted to do but that the family would not be interested in.  Then I will catch the train back with Kyle in the afternoon.  Having the whole day to myself does feel really indulgent and selfish but... okay I'll admit it..... it also sounds like a slice of heaven!

Then is will be Christmas preparation.  I am looking forward to a weekend with Cass, I have a BIG birthday coming up (scary thought).  Oh and hopefully at some stage I will find the time to go through and edit all those holiday photos....  eeeeekkkk.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Blogging time

Well blogging every day on our recent trip has awoken the blogger bug in me.

If you missed it our holiday blog is here:

The problem is.... life seems so dull compared to the holiday!  We are having issues with teenagers at the moment that have me pulling my hair out.  Life has thrown us some curve balls over the last couple of weeks that we are working our way through.  Apart from that I am still looking for time to sit and edit holiday photos. 

Anyway hopefully things will settle down and I can get back into blogging without just sitting and writing AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH for every post!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bits and Pieces

One of my favourite things about Facebook is the sharing of quotes, photos and ideas.  I love scanning my newsfeed to see what has appeared today - there are a couple here I thought I would share!

Firstly the to do list - although you will note Miss Jane that this is obviously not a girls weekend list and there is no mention of brides or handbags!

 I have been looking at canvases lately to go in our refurbished lounge room.  I love the "family rules" type canvases and have been looking a those and at plaques with family quotes on then but when I saw this one I just fell in love - Isn't it just a wonderful family canvas!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Proud Mama

Wow only 20 days to go before we fly out!  The last few weeks have been insanely busy between work and trying to get things organised for the holiday.  I have also been doing the photo a day challenge for August - I will post the pics here tomorrow (I hope).  I am also in the process of setting up a travel blog for the trip - will make sure I post the blog address here when its ready to go!

Now for the proud mama news.....

We went to the Uni for the Shoalhaven Media Makers on Friday night.  It is an amazing program for teenagers and one that I am so proud of Kyle just for being involved in.
You can see more about the program here

At the end of the course each student presented a short multi media presentation on a subject of their choice - Their were a variety of subjects covered varying from cyberbullying to recycling to a campaign to build a new skate park in Ulladulla.  Kyle chose to do his on a subject that he wanted people to understand more about.  You can see it here:

I am one very proud mother!

*** addit.  Ooops it appears the links aren't working so you may need to copy and paste the address into your browser.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Finally an olympic medal within my reach!

9 Years!

Yesterday marked nine years since we lost an amazing man - I have so many wonderful memories with my Dad which I cherish so much.  Not just memories for me but also of how much he loved my kids and how proud he was of his grandkids.

Miss you Dad XXX

Saturday, May 05, 2012

SWS Weekend

Last weekend was a trip down memory lane.  The Scrapping with Soul retreat was on at Waterslea.  This is an annual weekend scrapbooking retreat from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon.  I say a trip down memory because it was at this retreat five years ago that I met my dear friend Cass.  What a blessing this girl has been in my life.

We spent the weekend scrapping, chatting, laughing, chatting a bit more and just generally "retreating".  Looking forward to next year when hopefully Heidi, Miss Jane and my cousin's partner Tanya will join us.  Oh no... I can hear the madness already.

Our table this year was always full of laughs and loud people.  I love scrapping opposite Haylee and listening to the soundtrack that she always provides for any occasion.  Except when certain songs get stuck in my head!  

All in all a good weekend and I am glad I went.

Girlie Feet

I know to some people this is not so much a special event but more an everyday thing, but I found it exciting..... hmmmm small things do really amuse small minds!
For my birthday last year I got a series of vouchers from Tony and the kids at Berry Beauty Escape.  I had been given a voucher for there the previous Christmas by my work and found them to be probably the best spa/beautician I have been to.  The girls are always friendly, they don't make you feel bad because of my weight and I always come out of there with a smile on my face.
Anyway I booked in for a new experience - a pedicure!  I have not had ANYTHING done to my feet for many years.  What a wonderful treatment.  I would love to do this again one day.
Anyway my feet look like this now........

Yes I have girlie feet.  I have tried to work out when I last had painted toenails and I think it was about 25 years ago... scary thought!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Grab a coffee and a comfy chair - this may take a while!
Oh and Miss Jane - THAT PESKY WOMAN was present throughout the writing of this post so be careful - she may turn up at your place!

Once again I am sitting here looking at my poor, sad neglected blog. The past twelve months have not been anywhere near as simple as my blog makes them look.  I would like to be more consistent with my blogging but as those who know me well are aware I am good at talking and pretending everything is fine but when life seems too difficult I tend to retreat and hide.  You see I would hate to think I was burdening others with my troubles.

I have not had the words to express what is in my heart and my head.  I know sometimes (okay quite often..) I have the wrong words and I think without speaking but the lack of words all together has been hard.  Not only has my blog been neglected but I have very little record of the past twelve months.  I have no journal entries, no diary and no blog.  Not because I had nothing to remember but because I just don't have the words.

My last year has been so terribly hard.  Back on the Friday the 11th of March 2011 we were told there was nothing more that could be done for Mum - to go home and spend the weekend with her and in the unlikely chance she survived until Monday we would speak to the palliative care doctor then.  No matter how much you are expecting this conversation boy it just rips your guts out.  HOWEVER they had no idea how stubborn my mother could be.  She promptly stated that she would not die before Kyle's birthday on the following weekend (19th March) - after all that would be so rude and my mother was very aware of doing "the right thing".  Then having reached Kyle's birthday she promptly declared it was my brothers birthday on the 2nd of April so she would wait for that!  The same went for Easter and then we were looking towards Mothers Day.  Mum told me she knew she could not die this closely before Mothers Day as it would be too difficult for us!    At the time she said this (early April) I smiled and told her she may have no choice.  HOW SILLY OF ME!   Mothers Day came along on the 8th of May and we got to celebrate this special day with a very frail, sick but definately alive Mum.

Mum sat with me on Mothers Day and told me that the next things on our calendar were John's birthday at the end of July and Tasha's birthday in August..... she was really sorry but she didn't think she could make it that far.  She went into Karinya Palliative Care on that Tuesday and passed away that Friday - the 13th of May.  A considerate lady to the very end.

I knew it was coming, I was prepared for it, I had spent nearly every day over the past few months travelling to Berry and spending time with Mum.... we shared stories.... we laughed.... I learnt lots of new things about my mother.... But WOW it still hit me so hard.  I think the fact that we had lost Uncle Les (mum's brother) as she was undergoing treatment in late 2010 and that there was now no-one of that generation left in our family made a massive impact on me.  My brother at the age of 43 had become the oldest member of our family... we were now the grown ups.  Scary thought.

I guess I went into shut down - I had no words.... some days I had no thoughts!  It is in this period that I know I let my friends down in a massive way.  I wasn't there when I was needed and my words were not the right ones.  Even when I was trying to encourage my words were so wrong.  Luckily I have amazing friends who love me enough to forgive me.  This is an amazing gift.... once I struggle to believe I deserve but am so grateful that they believe in me,

Please be aware that I have not forgotten... I don't think I could... In fact if anyone thinks I have wronged them in the past be sure that you could not hold me more accountable than I do myself.  I keep a record in my head of every wrong word, every thing that may have been misinterpreted, every unhelpful statement.  Believe me... I can tell you things I said back in high school that I still regret and hold myself in contempt for. There is no harsher judge on me than myself and that is why sometimes I am amazed at the friends I have and I know I do not deserve you.  BUT I am so glad that you are there.  I do get nervous and I hide my feelings behind jokes and sarcasm but every sarcastic word spoken is logged into that journal in my head and brought out to parade in front of me when I am puzzled by fact that you stick by me.

I am very aware (as has been drilled into me by my mother) of not letting people down and it is this reason alone that stops me from climbing into bed, pulling the blankets over my head and never getting out.  My first thought is for my kids - they are the reason I get up each day and push my feelings aside and pretend to smile.  My other motivation is the thought of possibly letting someone down.  There is no way I could just not turn up to work, no matter how hard I find it some days - I could not fathom that.  The thought of letting people down in that way...  I mean.... imagine what they would think of me!

My kids have had a hard twelve months and they amaze me with their support.  Wow how did my little boy get to be 16?  His hugs and smiles warm my heart and his caring nature is a beacon of light on days filled with dark.  My little girl has had a horrid year as well.  She was so close to Mum and has struggled so much - She now has no grandparents and this has left a massive hole in her heart. She misses Mum terribly and I don't know how to help her with this - we share stories and remember and are thankful for the time we did get to spend with her. Unfortunately she also fell on the wrong side of a group of girls at school who have made it their mission to push her as far and as hard as they can emotionally.  One of the hardest calls ever received is from your daughter's school advisor (who has been a blessing and a wonderful support to Tasha over the past twelve months) to tell us that she needed us to know she was booking Tash in with the school counsellor first thing the following day and we need to be aware that our little girl was suicidal and that all she wanted was to die.  We think she is coping better now.... but I am so scared....

So what is ahead..... well we have Mothers Day in a few weeks.... the day Mum held on for.... and the anniversary of her death which by some mean twist of fate.... (or as pointed out by a dear friend of mine maybe a gift from Mum knowing that both these days would be hard and she wouldn't want to burden us with two days) ......happen to both fall on the same day this year.  We continue to pray for Tash as she goes back to school with a new group of friends, and as she learns to tell the other girls to just leave her alone.  She has had some amazing support from some unexpected people and they hold a very special place in my heart for standing beside her when she so needed someone.

We look forward to (and yes am also terrified by) Kyle currently studying and getting ready to sit for his driving licence (L plates).  Kyle has his Media Makers program starting soon and we head overseas on about 4 months.  SO EXCITED ABOUT THAT!  I have spent the last month researching Mum's family tree and the area she grew up in, and along with the stories from her I am so looking forward to exploring this and putting pictures to the stories.

I just want to thank my friends for being there for me and for not giving up on me.  I ask for forgiveness and as mentioned before I know I hold myself much more accountable than you ever could.  I have had old friends come back into my life - people who spent their teenage years at our place and held Mum in their hearts and have had my special friends show their support in facebook posts, text messages, Sunday afternoon coffees and monthly tuesday lunches.  I love you all dearly.

I look forward to the day I feel more like "me" again and not this broken shell.  I know I should just "get over it" (as I have been told) and stop focusing on the negatives.... but you know what - that is about the one thing I know I am good at ....stressing and focusing on the negative..... after all I have had so much practice! I wish it were that easy.... just get over it..... but I am trying and each day we get through is another step closer.

But seriously...... the past year has shown me that with my friends beside me I can get through anything.  We never get through anything unscathed and I know these scars will be with me forever.  The those I let down I am truly sorry.

Blog hopping

Sorry for the long post earlier.  I have been doing some blog hopping of my own lately and have been awed and blown away by a couple of blogs in particular.

Sunday night I made the monumental mistake of not only watching Beaconsfield on TV (Which I knew would bring tears) but I also read Kristian Anderson's book the same night.  Talk about emotion overload.  For those of you who don't know Kristian he was responsible for "that" birthday message for his wife.....  yes the one with my boy Hugh in it!   Hmmmm I have a birthday coming up later this year.... I wonder.....maybe a card.... delivered personally........  any way I digress.  His blog is here:

and the book is basically his cancer story as written in his blog - amazingly honest and up front and so sharing.

The other blog I can't miss is a little different from this one - the story of a mum with four young girls who are growing up quickly.  She is a mother, a scrapper whose still I adore, and a marine's wife.  I always her blog to be bits of fun, very open and honest and very inspiring.  She has some of the quirkiest posts which I adore and they always make me nod my head in agreeance but she is also not afraid to share in the hard times.  I love her blog and you can find it here:

Check it out - she will make you laugh, make you cry but most of all make you feel like a dear friend.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Girls Weekend

Instead of heading to Melross this year we decided to have girls weekend away... unfortunately Jane could not join us :( but it just gives us an excuse to have another weekend later in the year!
Anyway as the plans were altered we changed our original girls weekend plan of a wine tasting weekend away to a weekend on the Highlands.
I went up Friday and had a bit of a history trip - I went past the house I spent most of my school holidays and a large number of weekends - Nan's place in Moss Vale - and to the cemetery where Nan and Pop are buried.
Cass joined me after dinner Friday and we became ladies of the manor for the weekend.....

For some reason blogger wants this photo to go here instead of further down but I had to include it anyway - just for you Miss Jane - you just can't have a girls weekend without Jane!

Anyway, we stayed at the gorgeous old Berida Manor in Bowral. It is a lovely old building with lots of little sitting areas and lounges.

We spent Saturday wandering around Bowral looking at the shops and exploring the homewares stores and many many food and clothes stores.
For lunch we decided to explore further afield and drove to Berrima where we found the most amazing little gem. Josh's cafe! Brilliant coffee... Lovely food.... Friendly staff. What more do you need.
Saturday night we had a wonderful meal at Berida Manor. Yum!

Sunday we decided to head out to Bundanoon for a quick look around town (did not take long) before heading back into Bowral with what we found luxurious... the chance to stop whenever it took our fancy! We called into a little berry farm and tasted jams and vinegars and even came home with a few little sample pots.

Oh and just for Miss Jane. We had some of this... and some Southern Highlands Winery Pinot Gris (nice)
As well as consuming some of this,,,,,

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Photo of the Day

Yes I have done it..... I have joined a photo of the day challenge. Hmmmm not sure how I'll go but it should be fun.

Day 1 - up.
This is the view I see when I look up from my scrap desk.. lots of cards, special momentoes, letters etc. Things that make me smile :)
Day 2 - Fruit
Okay - full disclosure. My first thought for fruit was to take a pic of a bottle of wine - after all it is made from grapes - lol. But I chose to use Tasha's fav fruit instead - she has always loved tomatoes and regularly took them to school for her fruit.
Day 3 - Neighbourhood
This is the thing I love about my neighbourhood - even though we are close to town we have lots of bushland around us - and a national park 2 blocks away. (Although I have to admit that my fear of bushfire does get to me sometimes)
Day 4 - Bedside
This is my bedside table. I was going to tidy it up first but thought I would show it as it is. I love reading and so all my "to be read" books live here (once they are read they go onto the book shelves in the family room). Also on this shelf are my special books... the book of memories my mum wrote out for me before she died, the family photo books we have had printed and my bible, given to me years ago by the parents of my boyfriend at the time and my daily devotional. Oh and of course my special teddy bears!!!
Day 5 - Smile.
This pic definately makes me smile.... I was trying to get a photo of the old man with cabin fever but instead of a nice posed photo I got this one... and I love it!
Day 6 - 5pm
This is my view at 5pm every Tuesday - sitting outside Le Pointe Dance Academy waiting for Tasha to finish her dancing. Some days (especially in the middle of winter) it isn't much fun but most days it is my quiet time - time to sit and read a book or chat with friends. So if you are ever in Bomaderry between 4.45 and 6.30 on a Tuesday drop by for coffee and a chat...... oh.... you will have to bring the coffee.... the coffee shop shuts at 4pm :(

Sunday, March 04, 2012


Music and dance is such a large part of our lives in this household. The girls both love dancing and all of us like to have music playing in our house. Those who know me realise that I have an extremely eclectic range of music. (yes Cass I can see you nodding now....)

This was brought home to me this month. Firstly one week I went along with Tasha and Tegan to see Young Mens Society (from Australias got Talent)
And then Tasha's favourite group - Justice Crew. A singing and dancing hip hop group. We had seen them last year and I have to admit that I was disappointed in them from the group they were in X Factor it was a very average show so I went into the concert not expecting much..... until I saw their new emcee. NACHO POP! WOW! What a show... he had choreographed the entire show and it was brilliant.
Oh and it doesn't hurt that they are not bad on the eyes!
Then from the hip-hop/rap weekend of YMS and Justice Crew the following weekend Tony and I went to the Country thunder Tour. I had wanted to see Adam Brand live and was so excited when I heard he was coming to Nowra - but he also bought McAlister Kemp and the Sunny Cowgirls with him. It was a great concert and lots of fun.

Sydney Weekend

Ooops found these photos still on my camera *insert blushing face here*

These pics are from our family weekend in Sydney for Tony's birthday.

We got up to Sydney Sat morning and went walking around Sydney - as usual the kids loved the water features at Darling Harbour (happens EVERY time) - although the highlight of Tasha's day was a combination of spotting the Apple store .... imagine three floors of ipods, iphones etc but then ....even better..... a vending machine full of Haviana's! How Cool!

(oh and just to let Jane know.... for future reference it is just around the corner from the Marble bar.... may need to remember that for Kath!)
Then we met Mark and Mel for a very special birthday dinner for Tony at Nicks Restaurant at Cockle Bay. After that we went to watch the fireworks at Darling Harbour when I turned around and found Tony with this blonde!!!!
Oh wait..... that blonde was Tash! hehe She has been after a wig for about 2 years now and was so excited to finally get it. Hmmmm not too sure about a blonde Tony??
Then Sunday morning for breakfast we treated Tony to Pancakes on the Rocks. Yum

Hassles, Headaches and HissyFits

Wow, what can I say..... If anyone ever asks me to move a medical practice again take a step back otherwise I will knock you over in my rush to get out the door. We had one of those moves where whatever could go wrong did go wrong - we had the worst removalists - EVER.

Had hassles and problems at every turn - In fact it was so bad that this bunch of roses turned up at work from the bosses to say thank you to us girls.
I have never seen so many roses in one place - the bunch was soooo big we had to put them in the bin... we didnt have a vase to put them in *oops*
Oh and I have learned many new skills. Give me a power tool and watch me go! Lauren, Alyssa and I had a steep learning curve when our new furniture turned up in flat packs. Lots of laughs, lots of head scratching and some power tools and we made up the new trolley, bookcases, cupboards and pantry - Woo hooo Girl Power

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ready to go...

I know, I know... post overload!

Just wanted to post the pic Jenny Other Mum took before we headed out for drinks. Yes Heidi's arm is in a sling - only my friend could possibly fracture a collarbone by falling from a chair whilst seated - totally sober!

What's ahead?

Wow another month is nearly half over... it is funny how time works... the last 12 months have been some of the hardest I have had to deal with and whilst some days seemed to drag and putting one foot in front of the other seemed like walking through quicksand the last twelve months have also flown by... I know, I know the two should not work together but somehow they do.

What does life have ahead of us? Well we have so much to look forward to - especially our overseas trip (yes I know you are sick of hearing about it and I try not to say too much but we are very excited about it).

Both of the kids are back at school and Tasha in particular is loving the return of her social life! She has returned to dancing and is looking forward to a full on and challenging year of dance this year

Kyle has been accepted into a special program called Media Makers - He applied last year and we found out he was accepted when he got back to school. It is a special program offered by the University of Wollongong computer studies and media schools where a limited number of places are offered to students from year 10 and 11. This is what it is about:

Shoalhaven Media Makers is a series of workshops for Years 10 and/or 11 students designed to help develop the skills and strategies young people need to ensure their voice is heard on community issues and events important to them and their peers.

These hands-on workshops will cover topics that include video, editing, digital storytelling, graphic design, promotion and publicity. Experts in the fields of communication, community engagement and graphic design will run the workshops.

He is looking forward to it!

As for Tony and I - well the next few months will be interesting to say the least. Tony is booked in for shoulder surgery in just over a week and after the surgery he will have his arm in a sling and have 6 weeks off work! Wow - how many times over the past years have I wanted to have Tony home as a normal part of our family. For six weeks we will have Tony here as part of our everyday family life (even if he is housebound).
I do have to admit that even though this is what I have wanted I also face this time with some trepidation and uncertainty. This will be the longest Tony and I have spent together in 10 years.... Even on holidays the longest we have had together is 3 - 4 weeks and that was with things to distract us. Having Tony around to fit in with our normal everyday life for six weeks will be a test - I guess it will either break us or hopefully it will give him the push to make it a permanent move and get a day job so he can come back to us permanently.

Cleaning up

What a busy weekend we have had! To start with I had Friday off so it was a much needed long weekend.

But there was no sleep in... I got up early and met Leanne for a coffee/breakfast catchup before she started work. I was wonderful to sit and chat as it has been weeks since we caught up.

Friday was not all fun - as mentioned in a previous post I attended a funeral Friday morning - it was a lovely service and Kipper's sons talked so well when they delivered the eulogy.

Then Friday afternoon/evening Tony, Kyle, Tasha and one of Tasha's friends Holly's went up to the Nowra Show while I went to the Laylands for dinner. Jenny has been my "other mum" for years - back from those tough teenage years! Anyway - Heidi and Scott were in town for the funeral so after having a fun dinner with my other family Heid, Scott and I headed out to bottlerocket for drinks.

Saturday I caught up with Miss Jane for a late afternoon cuppa and de-brief/chat and Tasha headed off to an overnight birthday party.

Busy social weekend! And in the middle of this I spent some time in my craft room, tidying up and sorting out. I finally got around to putting some of my layouts away in albums.... they have been piling up in a drawer in my craft room so it was good to put them away. I am sure most of these I have shared before but I thought I would include some of them here.

And now its Sunday - today has been my retro day - I have spent more time in my craft room listening to my old favourites play list and going through some of my "put - aside" layouts. You know... those photos you have wanted to scrap for ages or those you have started and put aside to finish later. Well I got three of those pages finished - one of which I started about 4 years ago - so I am feeling very proud of myself right now.

Hope your weekend has been a good one too.