Monday, June 28, 2010

What a week...

Yes, yes I know I am a bit slack with my update but I am getting there now......

We have had a fortnight of ups and downs...full of doctors visits, lunch with Cass and Annie, a daytrip to Sydney with Cass and Jane to check out the craft show...(oh and the Lindt cafe *insert blushing face here*)... and over the past fortnight we have had either Tegan at our house or Tasha at the Baldwins. We were given a reprieve of an extra week before they left and in the interim the girls have barely parted from each other. I think out of 11 nights they had 2 apart - we even allowed sleepovers on school nights (after all Tegan is an honorary Lucas now - even to the point where Tony and I get called Mum and Dad). It has been heartbreaking to see them leave. To see the girls distraught and doing the whole "Goodbye".."Goodbye".. "Goodbye".. "Goodbye".. etc. etc. as we drove down the street one afternoon. Tasha stayed with them on their last night here and I went over and joined them for brekky before they headed off. It was sad for us as well - as I said Tegan is often referred to as our second daughter and they will be missed. I am so glad for Facebook and MSN to keep us in touch.

In the middle of all this Tasha had her dance competition (and yes Tegan came along and cheered her on!). the studio comp is basically a chance for the girls to get up in front of an adjudicator and show what they have been learning without the strictness and pressure of exams (basically a practice run for exams next term) and a chance to get dressed up and dance!

Tasha did both Jazz and Hip Hip and did both her dances with her friend Emily who is in her classes. I love these photos I took of Tash whilst she was waiting to dance. Not only did the teased hair and head bands bring back vicious flashbacks of the 80's but I can so see a page with these pics title "This girl has attitude!" She danced so well and got Highly Commended in both dance styles.

Think thats all our news. No doctors visits for 2 weeks so its just a case of wait and see. Thoughts have been turned towards Melbourne so much lately and it looks like a catch up has been organised (can you hear the squeals?). Tony's friend Ken is in town for a couple of days with his work so we will be catching up with him too.
Oh and Cass.... I am totally wearing out my Wicked soundtrack. Thinking of you everyday whilst listening to it!

Monday, June 14, 2010


I did sit and scrap a page just for me. It is a bit eclectic, lets see there is Jillibean Soup, Kaiser, Making Memories, Buzz and Bloom and Bella. This page is just for me - it wraps up all my feelings from this week. These girls have shared some of my best times with me and we have had some amazing, mad times but when the chips are down and life gets hard they are my support. Their help, support and love is awesome and something I cherish so deeply.

Love you girls


Girls Weekend

This weekend was a bittersweet one for Tasha. Saturday night we had Tegan here and then Sunday night Tasha went to the Baldwins. The girls have been cramming so much into this weekend. They wanted to do all their favourite things as this is the last weekend they have together before Tegans family move up to Queensland. Funnily enough most of their fav things revolve around water.

It is the middle of winter and we have had some very cold weather but not only did they wash the car but then decided they wanted to go to the pool! Madness! Yes okay it was Bay and Basin so it was heated but still......

They had a ball - it was so good to see the smiles on their faces as they laughed and played.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A week of soccer

Wow with the mad week we have had you would think that not much else would fit, right? WRONG! This week has definately been soccer week in our family.
Starting with Tasha - Tash made the school rep soccer team which she was very excited about. they have been training hard and had their first game on Monday vs Shoalhaven Heads. They had a great game! The first half they played soooo well but just could not get the ball in the net. But they made up for that in the second half and won the game 3 -0!

Then monday night we headed out in the cold night to South Nowra for a make up game for Kyle as their game last week got rained out! Unfortunately they were unsuccessful but Kyle had a great game.
Wednesday night we headed out to Huskisson for another soccer game for Kyle. Talk about chilly! Husky is always cold but at 7 o'clock at night in the middle of winter it is freezing. You should have seen us (I forgot to take a pic) we had jumpers, warm jackets, scraves, gloves and hot chocolate!
Shoalhaven United were again unsuccessful.... they always have a blinder second half and in both games this week the second half score was 0-0 its just the goals they let in the first half that get them! Now we just need to figure out how to get them to play that well all game.

Then Friday is was Tashas turn again and they had a very exciting match against Callala. Illaroo ran rings around them but just couldnt score. Score was 0 -0 at full time so they went into overtime. Still 0-0 so it went into penalty shoot out which is a really bad way to win or lose a game but we came out victors 2 -0!
And now the World Cup is starting!
Soccer anyone??


Wow it was only a week since the scrap day. Somehow it seems like so long ago. this week has been a loooongggg one! Anyway thought I'd better do a bit of show and tell to prove that I actually did do somescrapping in amongst all the chatting, coffee drinking, eating and ..... oh yeah ..... some more chatting!
Looking at my latest pages I realise how back to basics I am getting. This hasn't been a conscious decision and I do still love all my fussy cutting/layering fancy stuff. I guess I am aware of trying to explain the stories behind the pictures so people can just pick them up and not need me here to explain them.
Hmmmm may have to spend some time this afternoon creating a layout just for me!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Just had to say........

Thanks to my amazing angels - don't know how I would have gotten through the last couple of days without knowing you were there. Your love and support is simply wonderful and at times all that keeps me putting one foot in front of the other. Thank you for always being there.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

If you knocked on my door right now.....

you would find........

* me in my daggy jeans with my hair not done
* 2 baskets of ironing in the middle of the lounge room
* a pile of cooking magazines spread all over the coffee table (working on this fortnights menu)
* me sitting in my craft room - watching episodes of Numbers on the computer and going through scrap magazines for inspiration
* The kids bedrooms slightly untidy with unmade beds
* the vacuum still sitting in the dining where I left it after using it
* Fresh cookies in a container on the kitchen bench
* piles of photos out - trying to sort out what I am doing at scrap day this weekend
* the scent of apple martini wafting through the house (oil burner not the cocktail!)