Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hot and Busy!

Yep that just about wraps up my weekend.

Lets see it started early with a day "off" on Friday. Ha ha ha. spent 2 hours in Optus organising new mobile phone. So I now have a new phone to play with. Its lots of fun. After lots of humming and hahhing and research I am now the proud owner of a gorgeous Nokia E71. Full internet capabilites, full diary/calendar that can be synced with my home puter. Lots of functions and bells and whistles.

Friday night Tracy and I went to see New Moon (yes it was my second time!) Who cares about Team Edward or Team Jacob I want them both! Although I have always have a leaning towards the buff guy on the motorbike........ Even Tony when I met him was a fitness fanatic (gym 6 nights a week, hockey, soccer, volleyball, skating, running etc, etc ) AND rode a motorbike.

Saturday was soooo hot. I am not sure what is going on here but I had had enough of these over 30 degree days. So when it hit 36 degrees I took Tasha and her friend Tegan out to Bay and Basin for a swim. Then we had planned to go out to dinner for a family meal but that didn't happen.

Sunday was another mad one. Tony and I went to church in the morning (Tasha was at a friends place and Kyle stayed home) then sunday afternoon was grocery shopping and sorting things out for dinner guests tomorrow night. Then some house work and then all of us went to church for the evening service.

Tony now in bed - he has to get up at about 3am (hehe not at work and STILL getting up at ridiculous times) to head off for his holiday. I have stacks more housework to do and am now working probably all week. Was looking forward to a few days to myself with the kids at school and Tony away but doesn't look like thats going to happen :( This week is a shocker for Tony to be away. There is something happening every night (most nights more than one thing) so hopefully we can make it through and out the other side.

On the diary this week: Work, Tasha final dance rehearsal, Girls Brigade dispaly night, Church AGM, Kyle youth group, more work, meeting for yr6 formal committee, meeting for NCS 30th birthday celebrations. I'm sure there is something I've forgotten. The highlight of the week will be actually catching with Jane face to face for after dinner treats and show and tell. Bring it on!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Yeah, yeah I know I am slow updating properly. Will get there. Hope this will tide you over until then:

Todays Prompt: What do you like best about yourself?

Answer: Easy (well I did have to give it some thought when asked a similar question a couple of weeks ago) - the best thing about me is..................................... my friends!
I have 3 amazing friends who I could not survive without. Miss Jane, SJ and Cass. I know you hear this a lot around here but I love these girls and honestly don't know if I would be standing (well okay sitting at the moment) without them.

Yeah kind of a cheating answer but its the main thing that jumps into my head. Couldn't really think of anything else

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Wow. Its kind of scary but I got home from the weekend away feeling so refreshed and full of energy! Not sure where the energy comes from but have just about bounced in the door and am still bouncing off the walls hehe.

Will update later with pics (very limited pics - I really need to work on that!) but here is a brief rundown of the last few days

Leave work early
Come home and Pack
Drive to Shellharbour in rain (get ran off road and shake the rest of the way there)
Pick Cass up - drive to Sutherland and catch train into the city
Check into motel then go wandering
go to Baia at Cockle Bay for dinner and the Lindt Cafe for dessert
chat till some silly hour of the night or morning

Up nice and early
Go to Stampin Up Regional conference (Very cool - will include more details later)
Wandered through chinatown (all of it - a few times! - long story)
Went to Paddys Markets
Went back to motel - quick change then walked up to Star City to go to the Thai restaurant which isn't there any more!
Walked back to Darling Harbour - went to Zaafran for dinner. YUM YUM
then went to the Lindt Cafe for dessert (again)
Sydney heard we were there so they put on a fireworks display for us
Then went to JB's bar and stayed and drank and chatted and laughed till they kicked us out cause it was closing time (oops)
sat in hotel foyer and chatted for a bit longer before going back to room

Up early-ish again
Found out 41 degrees predicted for Sydney so instead of wandering around the city we caught train back to Sutherland
Went shopping in air conditioned comfort of Miranda Fair!
Shopping shopping shop-ping
And then another tirp to Lindt Cafe! hehehe

Home about 6ish - very sore feet but as mentioned bouncing off the walls.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mem - ories

Hehe todays prompt: Whats something you remember from your childhood?

This one is easy - holidays at Currarong! Yes I know we travelled far didn't we ~L~. Nearly every school holiday we headed out to Currarong and stayed in a house owned by friends of my mum. It was always a fun time - there would be us, the Riggs, the Larsens and the Stuarts. (My claim to fame - I used to play with Ricky Stuart at his grandparents place!) It was always just a relaxed time - we spent most days at the beach. Uncle Les and my 2 cousins joined us sometimes and it was just heaps of fun.

The other main memory from my childhood is catching the bus with Mr Clout over the mountains to Moss Vale to my Nana's. I would go and spend time in Moss Vale during the school holidays. Mum would put me on the bus here and I would get to sit in the front seat next to Mr Clout and help with the mail (the bus driver was also the mailman!). Then Nana would meet me at the corner and we would walk back to her place (she never drove - didn't even own a car). There was a girl next door named Rachel who I became great friends with and we spent heaps of time together. We would walk into town to do the shopping and we spent a lot of time at a property called Cherry Hinton where Nana looked after the vegie gardens. It was a gorgeous old house with lots of rooms and full of antique furniture. It seemed massive to us and (of course) we believed it was haunted - after all it was soooo old and massive and echo-y it just had to be. But we would be very brave and go exploring!

So.... do you have any memories that stand out from your childhood?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What a mad day!

I know Tuesday is usually my mad today but today I made it just that little bit more insane!

got up this morning - got the kids off to school then jumped in the shower before heading off to the local Community College for a workshop on....... wait for it........ composting! Yes - you heard right. It is funded by our local council and if you attend the workshop you get a free compost bin and smaller kitchen tidy for kitchen scraps. So I went along thinking at least I get a free compost but it was actually very interesting. The instructors were great and the time flew. Although the interesting part was trying to squeeze the big compost bin into my little car! But I got there eventually.
Drove home - dumped bin - quick change before racing back down town to meet my mother for lunch. Then a quick trip into the supermarket before heading up to pick Tasha up from school and drive her to Bomaderry for dancing.
Then we raced home - cooked dinner and then dropped her to Grils Brigade. I then got to come home for about 1/2 an hour before heading back out for a meeting at Kyle's school for the 30th Birthday Celebration Committee. Then grab Tasha from Girls Brigade and head home.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Todays prompt

Prompt no 3: What's the best part of today?

Um this is a tough one. Probably 5 o'clock this afternoon when we picked Kyle up from the train station after a weekend camp in Sydney. Was good to have him home safe and happy ( although very exhausted!). Although this time of evening is good too - Tony gone to work - Kids going to bed. Ideally this would be time for scrapping etc but the ironing is calling me instead! Hhhhmmm now decisions, decisions - do I want to check out gorgeous vampires or Hugh in spandex?

I get by......

with a little help from my friends! Yep, that is definately true but this time I just had to share a cute little story with you about some of Tracy's friends.

Tracy has had a rotten week this week with work prac for TAFE and then finding out her Auntie had a serious head injury. So to help her out some of the people from her church have been bringing dinner for her and Jacob so she doesn't have to cook! Well on Friday there is a knock on the door and there is the cutest package.

Not only did they get her Nasi Goreng from the Noodle Box (her favourite take away) but there was also a disposable plate, knife, fork and a bottle of Diet Coke with disposable cup so she didn't have to wash up. Wish I had taken a picture cause it all looked so cute.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Spot check

Okay peoples, time to play along!

Sitting here at work at the clutter and realised that not only do I have 4 piles of different doctors paperwork to get through, a new database to update with new MBS fees (hate the 1st of November!) but I also have a bottle of coke zero AND a large coffee. Ooops caffeine fix anyone ~L~

So it brings me to this question:

What is on your desk at the moment?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Changed plans

I had a great day planned today. Get kids to school - then hide in scrap room and churn out cards! But alas all did not go to plan as I got a phone call asking me to work. Did consider saying no but still have not found a way to be paid to stay at home and scrap so off to work I went! So I guess now I will be hibernating all weekend to try and get these finished but on the plus side - now I will have some shopping money for Sydney! YAY. 9 days to go

Now onto prompt No 2:

Whats a place you like to go to find your centre?

Not quite sure what my centre means, but two places came to mind straight away. Firstly was church - the second was the beach. I don't get to the beach anywhere near enough these days (in fact sometimes I could count the visits per year on one hand) but when I need to think or to just sit and zone out it is always beside the water. If I can't get to the beach then you will find me sitting beside the river! MY dream home would be right near a beach, preferably right on the beach. Hmmmm can't see that happening, unless the waters keep rising till Worrigee is waterfront property ~L~

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Warning. Here we go!

Hold on tight. the ride is just about to begin!

As mentioned before I haven't had much to say lately and after being oh so subtly prompted I figured I had better come up with a more efficient way of updating - so lets go on a journey. I have a list of questions here which are actually written from a scrapping inspiration point. So lets see how we go. I have tweeked this so that I will use these questions as prompts for my blog and (hopefully) will be able to scrap as well to have a record. Not sure how the scrapping bit will go but lets at least start with the questions

Q1. Tell us something you lost

A. Apart from the obvious - my mind ~L~ Or maybe my innocence! This could be a long list. When I think of things I lost my Dad pops straight to mind but then when I think further I realise he's not lost. I know exactly where he is. I hate the phrase "lost" when referring to people as it seems like you absentmindedly put them down somewhere but I lost my little brown eyed girl Steffi-Kim a long time ago. For a while I lost touch with "me" but I am coming back with a vengeance. So something I lost? There are lots of little things, household items, scrap items, my waist ~L~ but I think the biggest thing I have lost would be trust in people. I don't trust easily but once I do - sorry you are stuck with me. There are only a few people I would totally trust and I am so very thankful for them.

So that the start of my journey. Are you prepared to take the ride with me?

Shopping, shopping, shop-ping!

What a day! Yep we shopped!

I drove up to the Kings house after sorting the kidlets here out and picked Cass up and then we went to warrawong and hit the shops!!! I got nearly everything on my list! YAY a major chunk of christmas shopping is now done! Woo hooo, doing the happy dance. AND I stayed in budget.

It wasn't all serious shopping. I must admit there were some laughs, some really bad puns (and yes Cass you did win with one good one) and maybe just some play! It's not our fault the toys say push here so we were only doing what we were told. Although hhhmmm I wonder if you are supposed to set the all going at the same time *ooops* The coolest christmas toy goes to a cute guy who sings a rap song called christmas time to the tune of MC Hammer! Very Cool.

And of course we finished up at Gloria Jeans.

Monday, November 09, 2009

No pension

Okay, okay I get the hint. Thank you very much for pointing out that my blog is so old it may be eligible for a pension soon. It's just that I don't have much to say! But you may be very sorry you nagged. Today will be a quick update but after that you may get to know me better than you wish! Be afraid - be very afraid. Will have some interesting posts coming up soon - found a blog challenge with some intriguing questions.........


Outside my window... Is a glorious sunny day 26 degrees and barely a cloud in the sky

I am thinking... Those house cleaning fairies keep forgetting to turn up.

From the kitchen... Well its lunch time and I'm not sure what is being cooked but it sounds like Tony is coming up with one of his "Concoctions" - yes they are scary as they sound

I am creating... Lately - lots of cards for an upcoming swap

I am going... Out for a day of shopping with the wonderful Cass tomorrow and then in 11 days it is time for a weekend away in Sydney. Very excitement!

I am reading... The Pellinor series and the Piercing the Darkness series

I am hoping... To get to Melbourne for Christmas but really don't know if we can :(

I am hearing... noise, noise everywhere! I have my ipod on shuffle, Tony is cooking madly and has the TV on!

Around the house... Serious bomb detonation damage! Have pulled sheets out of linen closet to sort so they are piled up on dining table. Lounge room a mess - lots of ironing waiting for me to finish linen closet to put it away. Hmmm better get back to it.