What a sad, neglected blog I have! what can I say - the last few months have been so full and life has been busy.
I thought I would try and wrap up the last month or so - just so I have the record when I look back.
We have gardened....... we transplanted some plants from Mum's garden to here (yeah okay I didn't include pics of them because they don't look too healthy at the moment) but we also fertilised the lawn and our front garden. Our Geisha Girl has just flourished and looks great now.
Buddy is growing up heaps.... Tasha works well with him and has his training underway. He sits, drops, stays, comes etc etc..... our one problem is walking - he HATES the lead, so it looks like puppy school for Tash and Buddy. I headed off to Melross for our annual girls scrap retreat. I wasn't able to relax so much this time. Firstly, due to concern for Mum but also because I had to come home 2 of the 3 nights so did quite a few trips over the mountain in the 4 day period.
The highlight of the weekend (apart from late night giggles and chats with Cass) was sitting in a paddock talking to Cass when we saw this cow drop it's baby calf... so then we sat for an hour or so and watched this little baby find its feet. It was lovely to just sit and watch.
On the 1st of March I headed back to work with the orthopaedic practice and it feels like I never left (except with much less stress!) It is the place I really feel I fit into and I am so happy to be back.
Then on the 11th of March we were called in to see Mum's oncologist after he had some concerns about her cancer and had some urgent tests done. the week prior we had been told that he felt the cancer had spread to the abdomen and this may give her 3 -6 months. Well when we went back to see him with the results the news was grim. We knew her cancer was growing very quickly but now not only was the liver diseased but the cancer was spread throughout the abdomen and was pressing on the duodenum.
I don't think I have seen the doctor look so serious..... although this was explained when he told Mum that she was no longer suitable for treatment and that this was much worse than he thought - worse case scenario being she may be gone within the week.
She was given some medication which has relieved the nausea slightly and we hope may have bought us a few extra weeks but it is terribly hard to see her getting sicker and sicker.
The day following this news I headed up to Sydney with Jane and Simon to watch Todd McKenney shake his maracas....... Just what I needed. It was a great show and I thoroughly enjoyed it...... oh and in a case of small world - my boss from work happened to be sitting literally across the aisle from us!
So this past week has been an emotional one. We have spent a' lot of time with Mum... had conversations you hope to never have.... and generally just travelled along in a bit of a fog.
Friday the 18th Kyle got an early birthday treat. Kyle has (for quite some time) been quite obsessed with Weird Al Jankovic... a pop parody artist. (you may remember him from the 80's with such songs as Like a Surgeon and Fat). So when we saw that he was touring Australia and would be in Sydney the night before Kyle's birthday we knew we had his birthday present organised!
Well........ he LOVED it. Heard all his favourite songs (Amish Paradise, Another one rides the bus, etc etc) and was just so excited about seeing him live. Apparently the show was amazing. Tony and Kyle went up after school Friday - there were multiple costume changes and massive productions. A birthday he won't forget!
So Tasha and I didn't actually see him on his birthday until mid afternoon Saturday - we all met up at Mum's for birthday cake (caramel mud cake) and afternoon tea.
Oh and my boys spent Saturday morning shopping at Miranda Fair. WITHOUT ME!!!!! Funny, Tony thought that would be cheaper..... hmmm I don't understand that.
However, they did come home with a little bag for me from Lindt!
Over the weekend Mark, Mel and Declan came down to see Mum so we got to spend some time together at Mum's and then they came and stayed here so we had a special birthday dinner for Kyle (chinese of course).
So now we head into the next few weeks.... I know there will be good times and hard times but we are just taking advantage of every day we have.
Sending you big hugs.
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