Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blog hopping

Sorry for the long post earlier.  I have been doing some blog hopping of my own lately and have been awed and blown away by a couple of blogs in particular.

Sunday night I made the monumental mistake of not only watching Beaconsfield on TV (Which I knew would bring tears) but I also read Kristian Anderson's book the same night.  Talk about emotion overload.  For those of you who don't know Kristian he was responsible for "that" birthday message for his wife.....  yes the one with my boy Hugh in it!   Hmmmm I have a birthday coming up later this year.... I wonder.....maybe a card.... delivered personally........  any way I digress.  His blog is here:

and the book is basically his cancer story as written in his blog - amazingly honest and up front and so sharing.

The other blog I can't miss is a little different from this one - the story of a mum with four young girls who are growing up quickly.  She is a mother, a scrapper whose still I adore, and a marine's wife.  I always her blog to be bits of fun, very open and honest and very inspiring.  She has some of the quirkiest posts which I adore and they always make me nod my head in agreeance but she is also not afraid to share in the hard times.  I love her blog and you can find it here:

Check it out - she will make you laugh, make you cry but most of all make you feel like a dear friend.