Saturday, August 11, 2012

Proud Mama

Wow only 20 days to go before we fly out!  The last few weeks have been insanely busy between work and trying to get things organised for the holiday.  I have also been doing the photo a day challenge for August - I will post the pics here tomorrow (I hope).  I am also in the process of setting up a travel blog for the trip - will make sure I post the blog address here when its ready to go!

Now for the proud mama news.....

We went to the Uni for the Shoalhaven Media Makers on Friday night.  It is an amazing program for teenagers and one that I am so proud of Kyle just for being involved in.
You can see more about the program here

At the end of the course each student presented a short multi media presentation on a subject of their choice - Their were a variety of subjects covered varying from cyberbullying to recycling to a campaign to build a new skate park in Ulladulla.  Kyle chose to do his on a subject that he wanted people to understand more about.  You can see it here:

I am one very proud mother!

*** addit.  Ooops it appears the links aren't working so you may need to copy and paste the address into your browser.


Unknown said...

Awesome work by an awesome young man. :)