Tuesday, January 09, 2007

my holidays are nearly over

WEll time flies doesn't it!

Less than a week before I go back to work. These hols have been good - haven't acheived as much as I wanted but hey had some fun! I have cleaned out the craft room, cleaned up Tasha's room (much to her disgust!), done the kitchen cupboards and tidied up the bookshelves in the study but HAVEN'T gotten around to the gardens or the changes I wanted to do in our bedroom yet. And as for catching with my reading or my movies I want to watch. No chance!!!!

Yesterday the kids, Tony and I went and played putt putt golf. Took us so long because we laughed nearly the whole way round but we had a great time. It was lovely to do something all together!

This morning I met up with Gail to see if we could work out a way to cover these new tins we got with four (yes four - are we mad!) windows in the lid. I love how mine turned out. Had to leave before Gail finished hers so not sure how hers went.

Had to leave to go TO THE DENTIST YYYUUUKKK. After having my wisdom teeth out and the nerve damage sustained then my gums and tongue are soo sensitive so I wasn't loooking forward to it and I came home with my very first filling. Not something I will go back for again if I can avoid it!

Got lots to look forward to over the next few weeks. Got my wonderful Jane coming over Friday for some craft and dinner, in a couple of weeks I am meeting up with friends from school, some I havent seen for three or four years, and having friends over for a bbq on Australia day so will be nice and busy. Add to that a cyber crop in there somewhere, going back to work and getting the kids ready for school. AARRGH

For some reason Blogger wont let me upload pics so will try again tomorrow