Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kyle has gone!

Well my boy has gone off to school camp. Had to be at school at 7 this morning - much nicer than the 4:30 start last year! He was very nervous last night and over the last week but seemed okay heading off this morning.

This camp worried more than last years because he is still the "new kid" so he doesn't know everyone as well but he is happy with his room allocation as he has 2 friends in his room. He also really likes his activities teacher, Mr Campbell, so that is good news. We had a long chat last night and prayed together and he was feeling much better this morning. I didn't think I was doing too bad stress wise until I woke in the middle of the night stomach churning! ~L~ Don't think I will ever change! I am so good at worrying - had lots of practice!!!

So Tasha and I will be able to prolong our girls time as it is just us for the next 2 nights! Tash has already requested tacos for dinner tonight!!! (she tried for McDonalds but was not successful!). She has gone off to school to show off her new haircut and catch up with all the goss from her friends. Her best friend was away for most of the holidays and came home to no phone or internet so Tash has had serious withdrawals!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our mother/daughter day

Today Tasha and I had a great time!

Kyle went back to school today but Tasha doesn't go back until tomorrow so we took advantage of this and has a special girl's day.

First we went and got Tasha's hair cut. It is now layered and looks really nice! It suits her really well. she loves it and went around to show it off to Aunty Gail and Aunty Davina and Erin (and anyone else we ran into downtown!)

Then we hit the shops!!!! We had some money aside for new clothes as the kids have both grown so much. Hhhmm lets see - Tasha got some new shoes (big shock there! - not), we got her some new school pants for winter and 2 pairs of tights. Her special spend was a gorgeous black jacket with a hood that is lined in bright pink!! (pink ladies eat your hearts out!) and of course it has Hannah Montana on it.

Then we splurged on lunch - Tasha's choice - and went to Subway at Nowra Fair before going into Supre for her to pick out 1 new t-shirt.

It probably doesn't sound that exciting - 1/2 of it was school clothes but we had a great time together. It was so nice to have time with just the two of us - shopping, having lunch, chatting and just being together.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday

Dear Miss M,

Hope you have had a wonderful birthday and got spoilt rotten. Wish I could be there to give you a big birthday hug - and to share any left over icing with your mum!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

told you so, told you so

he he - told you that you would be sorry hassling me to update! Sorry will climb out from under my blanket and be more social now and update more often.

Easter weekend - pt 2

After cutting our holiday short we headed down to Ulladulla on Sunday to watch the street parade and we had planned to stay around for the fireworks but there really wasn't much happening down there and we didn't much feel like hanging around for 8 hours till the fireworks so we thought maybe we would head back to Nowra and possbily even crash the family lunch!

Anyway having said that we head back to Nowra via the longest trip I think I have ever done! We drove back via Huskisson and stopped for icecream and then got back in the car to head back to Nowra. Not Quite!!

Tony being Tony it couldn't be that simple could it?!. As we get just south of Nowra he suddenly turns off the highway "Lets go check out Main Road 92!" What the......

Years ago we used to spend our weekends drving around exploring but we haven't really done that since we had the kids. It was our thing to do when we were first married. Anyway we drove along for a while and then hit the dirt road. They are doing heaps of roadworks there so the trucks have been up and down that road making it very rough and corrugated. The average driver would slow down - not Tony!

We bumped our way along through Nerriga to Braidwood and then decided to head back to Ulladulla via Batemans Bay!

So there you go - we drove to Ulladulla via Ulladulla, Huskissson, Nowra Hill, Nerriga, Braidwood and Batemans Bay. what a mad trip.

Anyway we made it back to Ulladulla with 5 minutes to spare before the fireworks which were truly beautiful!

Easter weekend - Sydney

After lots of will we's or wont we's due to many things we kind of had our weekend away. The main 2 restraints being my health - I had the man flu for a few weeks and was very exhausted and really didn't think I could cope with a long weekend of walking around and the fact that the bank account really could not stretch at all- after how do you make a minus figure stretch except for in wrong direction. So we decided to postpone our zoo trip for now - the problem was that the Star Wars exhibit Kyle wanted to see closes these holidays - so we went up for an overnight stay only.

So one happy boy - at powerhouse museum Don't know who is scarier here - Tasha or the stormtrouper.

The kids with R2D2 and C3PO - have so many pics from the day at the museum - it was so hard to pick which to share
And just to prove I was there too! Heres me with a couple of R2 units

The star wars exhibit really was amazing. The background stuff was fascinating. They went into detail about not only the cinemagraphics and models and photography but the sound effects. We had a great time looking. playing and listening!
Then we did a rather abridged tour of the rest of the powerhouse museum. Too much information to cram into one day! There are heaps of different themed areas with lots of hands on exhibits.

We ended up staying in a motel we hadn't stayed in before and weren't sure what to expect as it was one of the cheaper places we could find. Having said that it was wonderful. We stayed at the Holiday Inn at Darling Harbour and admittedly they did upgrade us for free but the room and the hotel were wonderful. will definately be returning there! the kids were very excited as this was the view from our window. Kyle said it was the Aussie view - the power'ouse museum!!

Girls Brigade Dress up

As always at the end of term Girls Brigade had a themed dress up night. We had very short notice but this terms theme was "Indian" - as in the country not cowboys & - and after first thinking she would be a monkey (not the first I think of when I think of India) and then a safari hunter she decided to go as a belly dancer.

Auntie Gail to the rescue!!!! Yah thank you for letting Tasha raid your costume cupboard at the 11th hour so she could find a belly dancing costume and save me making her one in the 45 minute window I had that day.

Our bust weekend pt 2

As I mentioned we had the gorgeous Jhorjie here for the weekend. Here is one of the many gorgeous smiles we got from here over the weekend.
Then on Saturday Tegan joined us. I took the 3 girls to the park for a while in the afternoon and it was wonderful to see the 2 older girls looking after Jhorjie and making sure she was okay and joining in with them. This would have to be one of my favourite pics from the day. Don't know why it appeals to me so much but I just love it.

3 Cheeky monkeys!

Then Tegan ended up staying overnight Saturday so we had the 3 girls on the sofabed in the back room! Lots of giggles, chatting and not enough sleep!

Our busy weekend pt1

On the first weekend in April we had a very big weekend. Firstly we had Jhorjie with us for the weekend and we had a great time with her. It was great to see her fit in so happily with us. She chatted away to all (including Tony!)
Friday night we had Margie and the girls over for dinner. We had been to Margie's dad's funeral on Thursday and went out to dinner with Margie, Greg and their families afterwards. Greg had to go back to Sydney and Margie was here with the girls in a motel so we invited them over for dinner. (Not that Margie and tony need an excuse to get together for a gossip session).

There was lots of chats, catching up, reminiscing and laughs. the best thing was how well the girls got on.

This picture is terribly deceptive as I think this the only time all 5 girls sat down and it literally lasted for about 5 minutes maximum! They spent a lot of time outside playing with the guinea pig and running and yelling. I do think the neighbours were thinking we were killing a few kids here with all the squealing and yelling but they had such a good time. They came in for dinner and then headed back out (in the dark) - we could tell where they were by following the noise.

We really do need to make more of an effort to catch up and socialise. I love to mix with people and I find it very restrictive with Tony's hours. We even missed our annual bbq where we invite all our friends for a big catch up - may have to do a June long weekend barbie!

My 13 year old

Yes I know I said happy birthday over a month ago but here are some pics of my young man on his 13th birthday. This is the birthday boy all ready for school . As Tasha was away Kyle got to choose what he would like to do for his birthday and he asked to go out to "a real restaurant". (ie not the buffet place his dad likes to go to but somewhere where you look at a menu and order!) So after looking around and asking people (hhmmmm note to self - if I went out more I may actually know what the local places were like to eat) we decided on the Bomaderry Bowling Club. After hearing of our decision Nana and Papa John asked if they could join us too which Kyle loved.

And in an even bigger shock Tony joined us - yes people he does venture out at night on the rare occasion. Well he got some sleep that afternoon so he could come. So for Kyle this was a very special dinner.

You know cutting the cake is a very serious business! What a lucky mummy was I. When asked about the cake -and knowing that in the past we have requests for Thomas, Guitars and fairies and other elaborate things (just to clarify Tasha wanted the fairy not Kyle) -although not all of these on the one cake ~L~ all my boy wanted was a mud cake from Woolies with the "white stuff " and choclate on top.

And the final pic from the night - my wonderful 13 year old young man with his very proud mum.

Monday, April 20, 2009



Okay now I am annoyed! After a few subtle (and a couple of not - so - subtle) prompts to update my blog I sat down tonight and edited photos from the past month to update and post about our comings and goings over the last little while.

BUT apparently blogger has decided that me being slack and quiet is normal because it won't let me upload any photos. Stupid blogger!

Will try again tomorrow. But I do warn you that you should be careful what you wish for - I have lots to update!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Yeah I'm slack

I know I promised piccies and I know my posts have been very short and very low on "me" detail lately. Will sort things out and get some more stuff up soon.

Have lots of pics to share - done some scrapping, pics of margie and girls and heaps more.

We had a busy long weekend - ooops more pics to upload. Kyle got to see the Star Wars exhibit at powerhouse, we had fun wandering around chinatown with the kids AND we saw fireworks. What a weekend!

So will pop my head out - stop trying to ignore the world (yeah I wish you were here to do lalalalala's with me too sweetie) and kick myself back into gear.

Proper update soon........honestly!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

man Flu

Yep its official I have the "man" flu. You know the flu you have when you just want to spend all day in bed and you feel like you are going to die! 2 weeks now - this is ridiculous.

Have pics to share but quite honestly just can't be bothered right now. Will get to it over the weekend - depending in how I feel.

Got to send a shout out to Matt who is in mourning for his beloved camera. ((((((Hugs)))))) Matt - well maybe not - you might not want to get that close ~L~

Will update properly in a few days

Thursday, April 02, 2009

What a day!

HHmmm looks like the next few days are going to be big ones!

I am back at work today - just doing half a day to see if I can cope with that. Don't know how the exhaustion levels will cope but will see how I go. But compared to others I have it fairly easy at the moment.

Today we will be thinking of Margie, Greg and their family as we attend the funeral of Margie's dad Laurie. Margie has been a great friend of Tony's for many years and infact (in one of those twists) when we went around to their place to tell them we were engaged it turned out Greg had also proposed to her the same weekend! AND we had both picked the same weekend for our weddings! No bride wars here though - we moved ours forward a week, they moved there's back a week so we could be back from our honeymoon to attend and everyone was happy! Spare a thought today for Margie, Greg, their girls Lucy, Erica and Phillippa and Margie's mum Edna.

Then the big one - the day is here. This afternoon Mone and Greg take Isabella up to Westmead for her big operation tomorrow morning. Spare a thought and prayer for them and for Isabella whilst she is in surgery tomorrow She will be in hospital for 5 days following the op. Pray for piece of mind for Mone as she waits and also that Jackson will settle well for her so she gets some sleep whilst she is in Sydney. Mone was able to get accommodation at Ronald McDonald House which is one great load off her mind!

Hope wherever you are and whatever you are doing you are well.