Sunday, September 26, 2010

Busy Weekend

Wow what a mad weekend. The boys headed up to Sydney to see Ben 10 Live show at the Entertainment Centre. It was good to see the boys doing something together (although with trains being replaced by buses and timetable muck ups etc they didn't get to spend much time in Sydney).
As for the girls... well... originally this weekend was supposed to be taken up with Tasha's dancing Medal and Scholarship day but due to all sorts of muck ups and politics at dancing we didn't end up dancing this weekend. So what does a girl do to cheer herself up? Of course we went shopping! It was going to be just Tasha and I but at the last minute Kaysha joined us too. The girls had heaps of fun - I think we looked at every pair of shoes in Westfield Warrawong! They had lots of laughs, took pictures together in the photo booth, climbed on kids rides and generally just had a fun day out.
And to top the day off we called into see the King family on the way home!

Sunday was our hard work day. Mum and John had a large pile of crushed terracotta delivered for their new garden paths and needed it moved around the back! Kyle and I shovelled and Tasha and Tony did the carrying and we actually got the job done in just under an hour which was a lot less than we had expected (mind you we did all kind of collapse after as we just kept plowing through the work). The finished job looks really good.

Last weekend Jane and Cass came over for a catch up and I did get some scrapping done. Not overly happy with it as it seems very basic but it is the only scrapping I have done recently so I thought I had better share!