Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Busy weekend

Well what a busy couple of days! On Friday we drove to Cowra via Gunning and Dalton and lots of dirt roads! Got to see the rural areas we normally miss by taking the highway. The kids saw dogs rounding up sheep and it was fascinating.

Saturday was David and Amandas wedding and it was beautiful. cowra was very cold and we were worried it might rain but the service was just lovely. It was very family oriented and very sweet. It was great to catch up with family members, its sad that we only see each other for weddings or funerals.

Sunday we all met up for a picnic lunch and then we drove on to Dubbo and on Monday we hired an electric cart and drove around Western Plains Zoo. Another lovely family day

and then today Tuesday we spent all day in the car driving home apart from a short stop at the telescope at Parkes to check it out.

Very tired now, cant wait to sleep in my own bed. Will update with photos soon.