Saturday, September 02, 2006

My baby is growing up

Well firstly I have to say YAY the SM forum is back up. It is so sad how much it affected us. But those girls really are my friends now and not being able to contact them was so stressful.

Anyway thursday my baby girl turned 8. We went out to dinner for her birthday but today (sat) she had a party with all her friends from school at the local gymnastics club. It was great! They play games with them and get them running around and then they show them the equipment and let them do all the gym things like balance beam , trampoline, rolls, uneven bars, rings etc.

Kyle did well. He is very non confident but once he starts and gives it a go he did really well.

Will post some piccies during the week.

Oh oh and the really exciting news. I am now on holidays! It is the first time in about two years I have been on holidays from both jobs at the same time.


Mumma_Mone said...

I know how bad was that i was hanging out all day, that is sad we should get a life hey.....

Oh good for you on holidays, you needed them.

miss~nance said...

Hi Cath

This is the first time I have visited your blog as I didn't know till today you had one.

Enjoy your hols.
