Saturday, September 23, 2006

Life goes on the same

Well, we didnt win the lotto so it was back to work this week! Have to remember to buy that ticket one day!

Have been back four days and it already feels like I havent had a holiday.

Had a good day today - we went to the Illaroo school fete and then out to Davinas for lunch. It was a gorgeous day and so we ended up down at the beach where the kids went to "just get their feet wet". Yeah right. By the time they came back Tasha was a little bit wet but Kyle was soaked! Anyway they had a good time so all in all not too bad.

We were hoping to get back for the local school production of Aladdin as we heard it was great but we didn't make it in time :(


Mumma_Mone said...

well at least you were in it i wasnt even in the lotto and as the saying goes " you have to be in it to win it" you had a much better chance then i did. LOL