Wednesday, August 27, 2008


All I can say is I am glad Dishwashers are full of water!

How's that for an opening statement! But very true!

We put the dishwasher on earlier and Tony was commenting on how we need to replace it as it only works on one cycle etc etc. Anyway upon opening it to empty it everything looked fine at first and then Kyle noticed a plate was broken and had scorch marks on it! Upon closer look the plastic container for the cutlery had obviously had a fire under it as there are scorch marks and one corner is melted and some of the cutlery handles melted into it! One corner of the dishwasher also has scorch marks!

Must have been a nice little fire in there! Just glad that there was also lots of water!!!!!

Seems Tony is right - we do need to replace the dishwasher (think that will have to go on the back burner - oh well good thing we have kids! ~L~)


miss~nance said...

OH Cathy that could have been a disaster. Thank you Lord for protecting thier dishwasher and home.

Cass said...

Do I need to point out your pun in your last statement? Sounds like you already had the backburner going. ;)

Seriously though, what a blessing that it happened to an appliance that is full of water. God was watching over you.