Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bye Bye EJ

Well Erin is off up north to terrorise ooops I meant explore the sunny state of Qld. Hope you have a great time and things go well for you!

The girls went off to Berry for one last Banoffee Pie expedition. Tasha managed to join them and had such a ball. I wish I could have gone but some of us had to work!
Tasha loves spending time with her cousins and thought she was just soooooo special being allowed to join the "grown ups" for a day out.
This pics were taken by Tasha (with some help from Erin) - you can see how much fun they had!

Bye Erin you will be missed and family gatherings will be sooooooo quiet without you ~ we may need to invest in a foghorn that we set to sound at regular intervals so we don't miss you too much.


Haylee said...

Awwww, I am going to miss Erin so much!!! And yes, I can't imagine how quiet our family dinners will be!

miss~nance said...

Yeah I think I might miss her too.