Monday, November 17, 2008

Today was a big day!

Today was Kyle's orientation day at high school. Poor Kyle was feeling really quite nervous this morning as we headed off to school. The day started with a meeting in the hall with the year advisor where we got all sorts of different info for next year. Most of the kids were actually students who had been at the school for primary school. There was only about 5 "new" kids ~ Kyle was one of these. Then the kids went off for the day and Tony and I went in to speak to the bursar and then hit the uniform shop before heading back to the car.

Walking through the playground we noticed the kids were having recess and when I turned around my heart just about broke in half. Kids were playing and chatting and there was our boy - sitting there all by himself quietly eating his recess. He is so shy and takes a while to make new friends but it broke my heart to see him just sitting there with kids all around him but sitting by himself. I just wanted to stay but I knew we had to leave. I know in my head he will slowly make friends but in my heart it was so hard.

Anyway when we picked him up at the end of the day he was happy. He enjoyed the day, had fun with the different lessons (they did a mock timetable for them), and actually played handball with some other kids at lunch time. Not kids his own age - apparently some older high school kids saw him sitting alone and asked him to join them - but it was a start.

I really thought the hard day was kindergarten but this was so much harder because in Kindergarten they make friends much easier. I wish they could stay in Primary school forever.


Happyjen said...

I know it's hard but Kyle will make friends next year, he has that sort of personality that kids will see and just walk up to him and start chatting with him.
What school is he going to next year??

Unknown said...

I was wondering the same thing what school is he going to.We all know it is hard to make friends I am sure we have all been there.

Miss cath said...

he is going to Nowra Christian School. It is a much smaller school - only 46 year 7 students!

Haylee said...

Making new friends in high school is a lot harder cause the kids are more critical & most of them already have their own groups. Praying for Kyle. It will be hard at first, but I'm sure as he gets to know them he will find his group.

Happyjen said...

Nice and close to home, that's great, it is really scary starting fresh at a new school but I am sure he will b fine.