Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oh NO!

Just to add to the dull life we have around here I was out South Nowra yesterday when a woman walked into the shop we were in to let us know she had just run into the side of our car as she was pulling into the parking lot!
From near the boot along the back panel and along the back door is now a BBBIIIIGGG dint, and scratch marks.
So Tony ducked out this morning to get quotes etc to get it fixed. Oh well, at least it is still drivable (oh and Cass - it is on the other side to bike mans dint!)


Cass said...

Well at least the car has matching dints now. :)

miss~nance said...

OH dear................

Sandra Allan said...

Darlin girl... as i said yesterday in my txt message to you. I want you to hide out!

Create a halocaust kind of bunker and hold on until this black cloud goes away.
A big fan to aid in blowing this cloud away would be pretty damn advisable too!

Wishing you a cloud of health, good fortune and luck

love you angel. xx