Thursday, April 05, 2007

I'm Free, I'm Free

Well what a couple of days of highs and lows!

Today is my first day of freedom (or my last day of working!) and it is a great feeling.

Was a bit flat today - no cake no flowers - no nothing! Got a "Hope you enjoy whatever it is you do now" on the way out by our manager. Felt real good. But my boss took me out for a drink at the pub on the way home so that was nice! Said lots of nice things - made me sad but I am also sooo very relieved to be going. feels like a weight is lifted!

Yesterday was a bit of a shocker - bit of advice if a guy ever tells you "I'm just going to stick this needle into your breast but it won't hurt!" don't believe him!!!!!! Also yesterday got a phone call from the school to say that Kyle was in time out for fighting - TWICE!!! Got some great pics of his black eye and a bite he has on his inner thigh. Will post them later

What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but, scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. Joseph Addison


Happyjen said...

U r gonna enjoy being a home body for a while, Just think about all the scrapbooking u can do.
U don't need to worry about ur ex manager Cathy because u r better than her.
Gee Kyle fighting at school ,doesn't sound like kyle.
Have a happy easter to you, Tony, Kyle and Tasha.