Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My super hero!

Well, bet you didn't know I had a superhero in my house, did you?? ~L~

For girls brigade end of term party they had a dress up night (as usual). This terms theme was super hero - real or imaginary.

Tasha thought long and hard and came up with the super hero that every town needs! For days when the wind catches you by surprise or you had bad bed hair - call the EMERGENCY HAIRDRESSER ~L~

What a great idea. Could do with one of those!

Love these pics of Tasha, especially the close up of her and the brush. the look on her face is so cute!


Karen L said...

How original Cath - could do with one here today. Just been complaining about my hair and how I must do something about it when I read your blog.

Happyjen said...

Now that's a very clever superhero, Love the outfit and gotta love the brush.... great look Tasha.

Haylee said...

Woohoo Go Tasha! She looks awesome!

Cass said...

LOL - Awesome idea. I need emergency hairdresser most days! :D

miss~nance said...

Can Super haridresser pop over this morning. I am in great need.
