Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Heart problems!

Not mine this time!!!!

We took Maggie to the vet on Friday because she has been struggling for breath lately and (almost $500 later) we found out she has dilated cardiomyopathy. Which basically means her heart is enlarged and the lining is thinner.

Anyway the end result is we now have a dog on heart tablets and diuretics!!!!!!! The long term prognosis isn't good. I know she has only been with us for about 6 months but she is part of our family now. We knew when we got her from Mark that she was old and wouldn't last long but you sort of become complacent until something like this jumps up and slaps you in the face.


Happyjen said...

Oh that's so sad, I Hope her medication works well for her and she starts to feel a bit better.

Cass said...

Hope her meds give her a more painfree relaxed time for the rest of her days. I hate losing pets. :(