Hi guys.
Yeah I know I haven't blogged for over a week but seriously there hasn't been much happening! Thanks for the sms to check up on me. It's great to know I have friends who care. MWAH sweetie!
As I said not much happening so I thought I'd share this with you! ~L~ I figured if I had to see it every day you could check it out too! I worked every day last week and this is the view from my office window! Enjoy! lol
There was one very exciting thing this week. Kyle got man of the match at soccer! Congrats Kyle. Unfortunately I missed it as I didn't make it to his game this week but I was very proud of my little man when he came home with the trophy. His dad reports it was well earned! (and yes Kase he does play soccer better than his dad plays hockey!)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Not much happening
Posted by Miss cath at 7:53 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Sick kids
No not mine!
Both Simone and Kaycee have sick little ones at the moment. Simone's little man Dominic has croup and Kaycee's little Charlee has been having a really rough couple of days with seizures. When I spoke to Kaycee this afternoon she was taking Charlee back to the doctor. Hopefully they get things sorted out to cut down these major fits.
Please keep both of these little ones in your thoughts and prayers (and their mums)
Posted by Miss cath at 5:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Catching up with friends
Well today has definately been my "catch up" day. By that I mean catching up with my friends. Today Gail and I drove to Bowral to see Lou, Tracy, Cass and Annabelle (and meet Carol) and then Haylee came up later to join us. It was great to sit and chat with Cass and the other ladies and just catch up on what has been happening in each others lives.
We really need to organise a social type gathering where we can sit and chat properly rather than over a scrapping table.
Then after getting home I got on the phone to Melbourne to catch up with all the gossip from the Allan's. Well almost an hour later (57 minutes!) and I think we are up to date. Was so great to hear her voice and just sit and chat.
Posted by Miss cath at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
School holidays
Wow the first week of the holidays is over! Doesn't time fly! We have had an okay week. Monday we originally thought we were having Charlee but Cooper was sick so she stayed home with her mummy. So Tasha and I cooked! We made mini cup cakes and choc biscuits.
Apparently blogger thinks this photo should be sideways!!!
Then we told Tasha she could ring Tegan to see if she can come over and play. Tasha and Tegan go to different schools but are still good friends and Tegan comes over most school holidays. Then our plans for Tues/Wed sort of fell in a heap so we took the kids ten pin bowling instead.
And I got a strike! If you look with a magnifying glass it is written on the screen above my head ~L~ How cool!
Then the kids and I went to see Get Smart on Wednesday. I got them up early so we could go to the early bird deal only $6.60 each. We took our own chips and got drinks from my work afterwards so all in all a reasonably cheap trip!
Then I worked thurs/Fri.
Next week will be a lot duller for the kids as I am working everyday. They are having a sleep over at Nana and John's one night so that should be fun for them.
I have a scrapping day in Moss Vale tomorrow (saturday) with some of the Scrap of Faith girls. Looking forward to a day of fun, laughs, chatting, cuddles (baby Annabelle will be there ~ but adults hugs too!) and maybe even some scrapping.
Posted by Miss cath at 5:09 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Fun week!
Monday was the athletics carnival at the kids school and Tony and I went along to watch the kids. Wemissed their first race (100m) but saw them run in their second race (200m). I was so proud of both of them for trying and for entering 2 races. Tasha came 3rd (she thinks) in her 100m race and was picked for the relay team which we got to see and they came in second! Checking out the competition - like father, like daughter ~L~
Then Tuesday I went up to Shellharbour to see the King's. Played putt putt golf with Callum, and had lunch with Callum, Annabelle and Cass.
It was a great relaxing day and as always when spending time with Cass I came home feeling happier and less stressed.
Tuesday night Tasha had a fancy dress night at Girls Brigade. they have a dress up night for the last night of each term and this term it was hippie/flower power. So after raiding Aunty Gail's dress up cupboard here is my little hippie chick!
Not much else happening this week. Work was hectic (as usual).
I am missing my chats with Sandra. It is funny we don't tend to chat on the phone much but through email etc we check up on each other regularly. With her being away training and not having computer access I am finding it hard. I think of something or see something and think "got to tell SJ" but can't. Oh well she will be home soon and things will be back to normal.
Posted by Miss cath at 3:39 PM 4 comments