Monday, September 22, 2008

Choir festival

Warning - extremely blurry pics!

Tasha has been walking arouns the house singing all the time lately ~ yeah I know what's different! This time it has been practising for the Combined Schools Choir. They also spent a lot of time at school in rehearsals.
Mum, John, Kyle and I went along to listen to them sing and we were blown away with the talent in the local area. They did a few songs all together which were amazing with the unison and the choreography they looked great. Each school also did a group performance and these were really good as well. Tasha got to sit between her 2 good friends Kaysha and Courtney. (She is sitting to the left of Courtney who is waving)
We were very proud of her. Not just for her conduct on the night but for all the work she put in beforehand.


Happyjen said...

Wow, good for tasha ... singing is something she really enjoys, so y not join choirs.... way to go Tasha.