Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tuesday = Madness

Why oh why does everything seem to happen on the same day? Well maybe not everything but it certainly seems like that! Tuesday is now officially Tasha's mad day. It is always our mad day but this week it was even worse.

Started with the normal morning rush - getting kids ready for school, getting me ready for the day so on, so on....... Oh and seeing Tony for a quick maybe 1 minute period. Yes literally..Tues he finishes a full shift of night work, runs through the house (even though the kids get in trouble for running in the house), gets his bike loaded and then heads off for a few hours to deliver mail.
Tuesday is my "day off" which means day to cram everything into ~L~. This week I was looking forward to a catch up lunch with the gorgeous Cass. Of course it was raining........heavy! So after getting kids ready - and driving one to school due to the rain - I headed off to Kiama to meet Cass. It was a shocker of a poured and I spent nearly half the trip sandwiched between 2 trucks who were sending so much water flying.
Had a wonderful time with Cass, chatting, checking out shops, drinking coffee, got some gorgeous bracelets for $5, oh and I mention chatting ~L~.
Then the fun started. Drove back to Nowra, straight to Tasha's school, picked her up - took her to hip hop class (via Maccas for a drink!) then her Jazz class. Then we raced home and whilst we normally have a workable although small amount of time before Girls Brigade - not this week. They had not only moved GB to Vincentia but moved it forward 1/2 an hour! MADNESS. We raced in the door kids grabbed swimmers and towels and headed off out the door.....oh maybe Kyle didn't grab a towel!!! GGGGRRRRRRRR. Must admit - yelled a lot at that moment!
Anyway 1 1/2 hours in the pool before heading home through kangaroo territory right in dusk. No didn't hit any but it was a very alert trip home! Then collapsed in a heap on the lounge. Yay day over.

ETA: Oh forgot I did see Tony again in the morning (well didn't actually see him......heard him run through the house and call out) when his postie bike got a flat and he had to race home and grab the spare. (thankyou Michael for coming to his rescue and giving him a lift)