Tuesday, September 29, 2009

blog diet lifted

After being asked if my blog was on a diet I thought maybe I should sit down and update properly *oooops* Break out the tim tams cause here we go!

Hhhhhmmm where do I start.

Okay firstly we have had builders and plasterers in to build a couple of walls for us and we now have Tracy and Jacob Thompson living here with us. We built a wall across the entrance of the rumpus room and now Tracy has that room as her bedroom. We built a wall across the entrance of our office and that has become my office/craft room and Jacob has my old craft room. We have now had them with us for two weeks and things are settling in well.
In the middle of all the renovations, painting, moving etc Tasha decided to do some work of her own and built a little place for herself outside. No roughing it for our Tash - not only is it filled with cushions and pillows but she set up a TV as well!
Next in our busy schedule was Kyle's soccer presentation. This year has been a different one for us with Kyle going up to youth league and playing mid week instead of weekends but he has loved it. He has had a tremendously encouraging coach and has really enjoyed playing.

After presentation we headed out to Huskisson for a picnic lunch and yes the kids went swimming even though it was freezing cold (and even rained at one stage). It was a fun afternoon and the kids had a ball - riding down sand dunes on boggie boards and having sand fights!Then this past weekend Tony and I flew down to Melbourne for a wonderfully social weekend. We drove up to Sydney on Friday night and stayed at Formula 1 motel before getting up at 5am (yuck) to be at the airport to fly down to Avalon. Saw some familiar sights looking out the plane window on the way down!
Thne we picked up our hire car and drove into Point Cook to catch up with the wonderful Allan family who once again just totally absorbed us into their house. It is always a wonderful place to go as it is seriously my home away from home - a place where I just feel I belong! The worst thing was the fact that we only had about 4 hours before we had to head off. Oh once again I forgot to pull out the camera so there fore had to make my own family pic for you! Hehe
Then we headed up to our motel so Tony could have a nap before going out (Sssshhh don't tell anyone but we were in Melbourne for the grand final and Tony slept through it!) I sat and watched it by myself - it is such a confusing game - are there any rules????
Anyway then we went on to the reason we were down there. We recevied an invite from Dayna for a surprise party for Ken and Debby as they were both celebrating their 50th birthdays this year. Tony and Ken have been friends for years - they actually shared a flat together back when they were teenagers and were really close for a long time. We haven't seen as much of Ken as we used to as he doesn't come up to Nowra regularly like he once did.It was lovely to catch up with them (and to actually see Ken as we had missed him the last few times we had been down) and they were thrilled we had travelled down for their party. They got a big surprise and I must say Dayna had done an amazing job of organising this and keeping it a secret. There were about 30 - 40 people there and it was a really nice evening.

Then sunday we were in Melbourne so what did we do? Of course we went shopping. First we went into the Markets and then I took Tony out to the DFO at Essendon. Had lots of fun - did lots of window shopping and did come home with a handbag and a new shirt!
Then sunday night we went back out to Keilor for dinner with Ken and Debby. It was great to sit and chat as we didnt have much chance at the party to catch up. so we spent about 4 -5 hours chatting and had a lovely dinner with them. Oh I must mention Ken's pride and joy - his massive watertank. We had a guided tour! (well not literally - we couldnt climb down into it because it was full!)
Then Monday we flew home - flight delayed due to wind in Sydney and then rain on the trip home made it a long trip home but we made it. Have to say thanks to the Combers for having the kids for the weekend.
So thats about it - I think we're up to date now - oh no wait. forgot the big news. I have to say a massive congrats to my big bro who has a new job and is moving out to Tamworth with his family to oversee approx 60 offices. Wonderful news - hope things go well with the house search etc.
Hehe - see people shouldn't complain about blog diets - it only leads to gorging and over-indulging!


Cass said...

Sounds like an awesome trip! :)

Sandra Allan said...

you are such a dag! ~L~
We love your improvisation of our latest family picture... Thank you.
Even though it was 4 hours, i loved the time we spent.... as usual.... Was wondering if you would get yourself out to DFO... Must take you to my newest shopping find when you are down next.... AWESOME is an understatement.
Love ya.