Thursday, September 17, 2009


I know, I know I have been slack with my updating (thanks for the nudge)

Have heaps to update but am feeling so totally exhausted at the moment - been working long hours and then up till midnight moving furniture and packing boxes - then waking up at 5am to start again. Then with a mixture of the paint smell and tiredness and funny weather I got slammed with a migraine on Tuesday evening. Kind of scary driving to pick Tash up when all I could see in front of me was dots - came home found some Ergodryl and a dark spot!

Anyway the house is getting there now - hope to have 1 day off work next week so try and feel human again. will update when I can think!!! Brain officially switched off and feels like totally overloaded and ready for meltdown.


Cass said...

Hope all goes well over the weekend. *hugs*