Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 2

Today was another long day of driving. We had a kind of later start than we had planned.
The trials of travelling with a teenager....... you have to wake them up at 9:00am and they look like this when you do!

I got to about 90 km north of Bulahdelah and hit roadworks for the next 50 or so km's which meant driving along about 80km/h. Oh well at least we got to look around more - at all the trees and plain paddocks

We stopped off at Urunga (just before Coffs Harbour) and had a picnic lunch in the park next to the tourist centre overlooking the river - noice!
Then we got back in the car and headed to the Big Banana. We had a quick look around. The kids were keen to partake in some of the activities but we were too late for ice skating (just missed closing time) and the toboggan rides were VERY expensive
But we did call into the Big Banana cafe where the boys had icecreams, Tasha had a fruit salad and I had a choc coated banana (with nuts). Just had to include a picture here. Sorry Sandra - had no pink icing! ~L~
Then back in the car for a short drive to Woolgoolga where we checked into the motel and hit the pool!


Cass said...

Kyle looks like he is still asleep standing up!

And your banana is well, perky! :P

Sandra Allan said...

OMG... that banana looks ruuuuude.
Hey... it was Kiera with the fascination wit pink bananas.. not moi! hahaha