Friday, January 15, 2010

Madness and Mayhem

Madness and mayhem and laughs. Oh my!

Yep I definately live in a mad house - after the madness of last night it hit again tonight when we started packing. I got my list out - yes yes I know... no comments needed about how anal I am and how I write lists a week or so before.... Anyway..... we got the suitcase out and I called things out from the list and the fun began !

I had two kids running to grab the item t-shirts x3, undies, socks etc etc and racing back to be first to get them to me to pack and then the BIG KID felt he was missing out so we had Tony skipping yes you read right he was *skipping* to our room to get his stuff too. 3 people trying to squeeze through the door into the lounge room to be first to get the suitcase - TOTAL madness.