Monday, November 05, 2007

Feeling Yuck

Yep been a slack blogger this week but haven't been doing much apart from lazing around in bed.

Have got this horrid, horrid flu thing. you know the runny nose, sore throat, constant cough, fevers (sitting here in jumpers etc covered in goosebumps and shivering madly) and just generally feeling terrible.

Have had to miss 3 days work so far which worries me somewhat as I don't get paid when I don't work. Went out for 2 hours on Saturday - didn't so much just sat and watched the kids play and it totally wiped me out.

I would just be happy to get some sleep - have slept in 1/2 hour increments for the last 5 nights. Just drift off to sleep and start coughing and wake myself up again. GGGRRRRR

I have been looking forward to the weekend with the SoF girls this weekend and will be devastated if I can't make it.


Cass said...

Sending lots of prayers and 'healthy' thoughts your way. I've got the sniffles too. At least it's perfect indoors weather today.

Rowena said...

Yes - You HAVE to praying you get well this week so that you will not only make it, but enjoy the time as well!

Happyjen said...

I hope u feel better soon.

miss~nance said...

You poor sweetheart. ((((((())))))I am praying for you. You have got to be well enough to come this weekend.