Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another great weekend

Well its Sunday evening again. How did that happen?!?

Have had another nice refreshing weekend. Spent Saturday listening to Hamish and Andy podcasts and doing a big spring clean in my bedroom! Tell you what I am getting ruthless. No such thing as sentiment here! As usual we had a house full - seems to be our thing lately. Must say it is great to see the kids happy to have their friends here. Tasha had her friend Kyah here and Kyle had 2 mates over for the afternoon.

Then Sunday I slept in till 8:30!! before getting up and doing some housework. Then we had Tracy and Jacob over for a few hours. What a great time we had - Tony went off to bed so Tracy and I had a great chat. It was lovely to catch up on her life and to just sit, relax and share. Oh and eat the beautiful chocolate cake Tasha made - thanks Tash.

Mmmm good thing this weekend was refreshing as this week looks to be absolutely insanely busy.


Haylee said...

Glad you got to have a nice refreshing weekend but yes they do go way to fast & before you know it, back into another work week, sigh

miss~nance said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend.