Monday, June 01, 2009

And we're back here again.....

Yep..... it's monday again and we're off into another week. This is feeling kind of like groundhog day. I am working every day this week again (and worked over the weekend). Oh well, it pays the bills I guess.

We had another typical Lucas household weekend. This weekend we added Tegan to the mix overnight Saturday night. Poor Tash - even though her and Tegan are the same age, ever since we have known her Tegan has always been taller but when you add Kyle to the mix she looks tiny! It's okay Tash- good things come in little packages. And here is the two girls. I love the friendship these two have. They go to different schools but still have a really close bond and love spending time together.

I woke up sunday morning and snuck in to check on the girls to find Tegan still asleep and this gorgeous photo op of my two kids. It's lovely to see the two of them still getting on so well.


scrapwitch said...

hey Cath

thanks so much for your super comment ..hehheheheheh
i love'd it .

Anonymous said...

Isn't friendship a wonderful worth while thing to be a part of Cath.... I just had a visit from my best friend from childhood xxx :):)