Friday, July 10, 2009

Holiday time

Normally I don't say this but YAY it is school holidays! The past week or so have been shockers with school and I am so glad that we have a break from school and all that comes with it.

Firstly, must say I got a letter from Kyle's teacher admitting what she had said was incorrect. It was a lovely letter and I was extremely grateful to receive it.

But having sorted Kyle out poor Tasha coped it. She has had trouble with a couple of girls at school (you know what girls can be like) and then yesterday we get a call from a parent saying Tash had left a nasty message on their answering machine. We have since proven that this wasn't Tasha but you know that old saying mud sticks. This has angered me for 2 reasons. The first being that someone is impersonating my daughter - ringing people up and saying "this is tasha and ..........." The fact that this girl has apparently rung up and apparently left messages saying "Tasha wanted me to tell you..." but now she has progressed to just saying she is Tasha!
The other thing that angers me about this is the fact that the girl she rang has gone around the school telling everyone Tasha did it and now the girls have been told by the school not to talk about it anymore and therefore Tasha has no way of clearing her name. The girl that was rung has been very manipulative and bullying to Tasha in the past and I have told Tash on a few occasions that she is not welcome at our house. She would have had great pleasure telling everyone how mean Tasha was to her. GGGRRRRRR Have actually been considering going to the police and putting a complaint in about fraud.

So after all this I am glad we have no contact with schools for a couple of weeks.