Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Have spent the morning so far cleaning out kitchen cupboards - definately a mixed blessing! Firstly, yuck, yuck, yuck but on the up side....... I found the gravy boat I have been looking for since Tracy and Jacob moved in!

Message to self - when you have 2 short people move in don't empty out the high cupboards for them! I had cleared all the overhead cupboards for them in a hurry when they moved in but neither of them can reach without a chair ~L~ oops. So this morning I emptied out the lower cupboards - have plates/cups etc all over the bench and table waiting for Tracy to move her stuff so I can then move it all back into the overhead cupboards.

Apart from that nothing much happening here. I am feeling slightly more human (although I did share my lurgy with Tony and Kyle). Off for more medical tests tomorrow.... you would think working for 7 doctors I had seen enough of them without seeking out more on my day off.