Sunday, March 14, 2010


Wow it is scary how quickly these kids of mine are growing up. Kyle is turning 14 on Friday but with next weekend being taken up with the 30th birthday celebrations at his school we had left yesterday for his party. My kids don't get a party every year - they are allowed to have one every two years..... however having said that the last party Kyle had was for his 10th birthday because when he turned 12 he had been in trouble and was grounded ~ therefore no party!!!!

So he had the choice of what he wanted and his option was to pick a couple of friends and head to Timezone (Funland) at Ulladulla. It turned out only his mate Matt could make it so we took the 2 boys and Tasha down for an afternoon of fun. Wow these kids can stretch their money. They played and played for 4 hours before everyone ran out of credits. Laser skirmish, dancing games, pinball, shooting alleys, car games, jetski simulators - you name it they did it!

We came home with 6 stuffed toys (tasha), a water pistol (kyle) and the boys both came home with a little bow and arrow set. It was a great day.

On his birthday he gets to pick what we have for dinner. Hmmm could be interesting!