Friday, April 30, 2010

Mad week

What a totally insane week. Very busy and heaps of emotional stuff going on too.

Counting down to Wicked weekend with Cass. WOO HOO. The scary thing....... I am leaving tomorrow and have been feeling so bogged down etc that I have barely even thought about packing and ...... wait for it..... wait for it........ there is NO LIST! AAARRRGGGGHHHHH

NO packing list, no thought of what to pack. Maybe I should just take an empty bag and go shopping! ~L~ Yeah right

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What a weekend!

Phew.... time to sit and relax.... yeah right!

What a big weekend. Saturday was spent cooking and preparing for our annual bbq lunch. Setting up tables for 32 people is fun! Yeah - fun like root canal surgery! ~L~. It was going to be a smallish gathering of people we count as our friends - those who play an important role in our lives and who we spend time with during the year - sort of blew out to a bit more than that.

Then Sunday we hit the ground running (well tried to) I got up and finished organising food. Was hoping to have some help from Tony with setting up but with his mucked up sleep pattern lately it was almost 11:00 before he got out of bed. So then he hit the ground running as we had just received a call from a family of 5 telling us they were coming so we had to find another table/chairs etc.

It was a mad day and I don't think I got outside much at all. In fact I only saw some people when they walked in the door and then when they came to say goodbye! I did get to spend some time with Cass and Jane and we set up a "learners corner" in the kitchen for Jane to help Cass with her crochet and me with my knitting!

Then Monday (after finishing the clean up - wow!) the kids and I headed out to Vincentia for some sun and fresh air. We did the short bushwalk from Greenfields beach to Hyams beach then we went walking out on the rocks before spending some time digging in the sand (the kids not me ). After a couple of hours of walking, climbing, and sand sculpting we headed home for Kyle's soccer training. Hmmmm it is starting again - cold, dark nights hanging around soccer fields 2 nights a week - YAY!

And now..... the countdown is on - 4 days until Cass and I head to Sydney. Wish Jane and SJ could have joined us.... next time girls - all four of us will hit Sydney (boy will it survive ~L~). I soooooo need this weekend. Can't wait.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gotta love the postie

Well at least when he brings special mail like this anyway!

I love getting cards in the mail and treasure each and appreciate every one of them (as anyone who has been in my craft room can attest - who needs decorations when I can decorate with cards) and I keep thinking oh I need to put this on my blog when they arrive.... but knowing how good I am at regular blogging ~L~ it doesn't seem to happen.

Anyway enough waffling. This arrived in my mailbox and I just had to share it with you. Not only is it special because it came from the most amazing friend who, even though we are miles and miles apart, always seems to know when life is difficult and when I am struggling to keep my head above water - I had to share it becasue this girl continues to inspire me in so many ways. She is a marvellous mother, wife and the most totally awesome scrapper. Love ya girl.

Check out this gorgeous creation she made!

Isn't it just simply gorgeous!


Wow - life never seems to slow down does it? But at least I have lots of things to look forward to!

Firstly our traditional "oops we missed Australia Day - lets try Anzac Day" BBQ. This is a great chance to catch up with people - some we see regularly, some we only see this once a year - I don't know that I am looking forward to the work involved but the catching up bit I look forward to immensely each year. I am determined that one year the Allan's will join us..... it just doesn't seem right having a "friends" gathering without them :(

Then the weekend after that I am heading to Sydney with Cass for a totally wicked weekend!! The official story is we are going to see Wicked the musical but I like my version better. ~L~

Next on the agenda is my friend Gail, who I used to work with, is due to have her first bubba. What an exciting time to come (and living literally 10 houses away she has close babysitters!).

This is where I would love to be adding "and my next trip to Melbourne is...." but so far nothing is organised. Sweetie I promise I will get down there this year. Just not sure when - I keep checking for cheap flights so beware you may get a last minute guest!


Sssshhh. don't tell anyone.................
The kids are back at school and I finally have a day off work. I know I should be getting stuck into this total pigsty of a house but ~hehe~ I snuck into my craft room.

These first few layouts I can't really claim as today's work because they were started when I was away for the scrapping weekend at Melross - all they needed was some journalling or a title but hey they are now completed layouts..... so that counts doesn't it ?!?

This one was totally today's effort. Was going to call it "Ladies with Class" but figured that was stretching it a bit far ~L~. I always have a great time when we get together for our annual girls weekend.

And...... i made a card with my leftovers straight away rather than putting in the "later" box and then never getting there. Fairly plain and simple but it is a card made of left overs so it qualifies!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What a night

With the kids still at mum's tonight it was girls night!
First I went to Kohlis Indian restaurant and got some of this........ Then went around to the place Tracy is staying to watch the projector TV. Mmmmmm wall to wall, roof to floor werewolves and vampires. Yum yum. Sitting back in our recliners drooling.....

Then a spin in the amazing massage chair. Wow this thing is unbelievable!

Now back home with a glass of wine and some left over easter eggs.....
What more could a girl need????

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mother and Son

Well I must say the house seems very quiet right now! Not only are we still short Tracy and Jacob but Tasha has gone to a friends place for a sleep over and Tony has gone to work so it is just Kyle and I!

We have had a fun night - we watched TV - ate some amazing fresh fish - and spent some time together in the kitchen making home made sausage rolls ready for dinner tomorrow night. With the budget so tight we have been sticking tightly to the menu plan and tonight we spent about $20 on ingredients and made enough sausage rolls for 5 meals!!!! The best bit is I know exactly what went into them (hehe LOTS of carrot and zucchini - then when I serve then up with vegies tomorrow they get a double dose! ~L~)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Working at the car wash....

After their water fight we put the girls to work washing the car! Hmmmm think just as much water went over the girls as the car ~L~

Thanks girls - It looks great

Water Fight!

Tasha had her friend Kaysha over today. The girls started a little water fight using drink bottles so I pulled out the water pistols for them. They had so much fun playing

And then the silly girls decided to turn on me as I was taking photos of them.

So I sent out reinforcements - knew I kept that man around for something!

The simple life

This weekend it seems life is back to a year ago! We are back to a family of four for a couple of days. Jacob has gone to his dad's. Tracy is house sitting. And our family seems to be having a "typical" weekend.
Tasha has a friend over and at the moment they are having a waterfight. Kyle is about to head over to a friends house for the afternoon. Tony is watching wrestling on TV (Why I ask, why????) and I have been cleaning the kitchen and going through recipes.

Mmmm the simple life!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Tasha and I were having a "Girls Day" today and just after we arrived at the shopping centre at Shellharbour my mobile started to ring.... It was one of those calls that was expected but that doesn't make it any easier.

Anyone who has ever met Harriet will totally understand when I say that she was a woman who was happy with who she was. She had no time for pretences. She was a farm woman and was content to be with her alpacas. She was a loving, caring mother who adored her family and would fight viciously for what she believed would be best for her loved ones.

She taught me what it was like to just be who you are and not to worry about the petty judgements of others. She accepted people for who they are not for what they could do for her. She had a smile that would light up her face and believed the best in everyone. Harriet you will be greatly, greatly missed. The world has lost an amazing treasure.

Easter weekend pt 2

On easter sunday we went to Davina and Stephens to catch up with the Lucas clan. It was a fun relaxed and really nice day. Aunty joan and Lorinda came over from Canberra and it was great to see them. We hadn't seen Aunty Joan since we went over to Canberra to visit her when she was in hospital so it was great to see her up and about and looking so much better than when we saw her last.

As usual when the family gets together the cameras come out - this family is so camera shy - NOT!!!!!
Here is 5 out of 6 siblings (we missed you Neen)

And all the cousins, second cousins etc.
I thought I had successfully dodged the camera but unfortunately then we had to do family group shots so I ended up in a photo after all!

Easter Weekend pt 1

We had a productive long weekend. Being on a tight budget this year and knowing buying something for the extended family was not possible Tasha hit the kitchen! With some easter shaped cookie cutters and some cookie dough she went to work.
Rolling dough, cutting out shapes, placing on the tray, even putting them in the oven! She needed some help from mum getting them out of the oven and they didn't work out quite how we had hoped. A little flatter and fatter than expected but hey we knew what they were supposed to be!

Then she set out to ice them

And this was the finished product ready to take to family lunch.

Well done Tasha - you did a great job and they look fantastic. There were easter egg decorations, rabbits, flowers, smilie faces, even some with crosses to remind us about Jesus and the gift he gave us on easter.
And in the middle of all this I got to spend some time in my craft room making invitations and cards. More scrapping pics to share later.