Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Easter Weekend pt 1

We had a productive long weekend. Being on a tight budget this year and knowing buying something for the extended family was not possible Tasha hit the kitchen! With some easter shaped cookie cutters and some cookie dough she went to work.
Rolling dough, cutting out shapes, placing on the tray, even putting them in the oven! She needed some help from mum getting them out of the oven and they didn't work out quite how we had hoped. A little flatter and fatter than expected but hey we knew what they were supposed to be!

Then she set out to ice them

And this was the finished product ready to take to family lunch.

Well done Tasha - you did a great job and they look fantastic. There were easter egg decorations, rabbits, flowers, smilie faces, even some with crosses to remind us about Jesus and the gift he gave us on easter.
And in the middle of all this I got to spend some time in my craft room making invitations and cards. More scrapping pics to share later.


miss~nance said...

Thanks for the bisuits Tash they were yummy.

Aunty Gail XXX