Monday, June 14, 2010

Girls Weekend

This weekend was a bittersweet one for Tasha. Saturday night we had Tegan here and then Sunday night Tasha went to the Baldwins. The girls have been cramming so much into this weekend. They wanted to do all their favourite things as this is the last weekend they have together before Tegans family move up to Queensland. Funnily enough most of their fav things revolve around water.

It is the middle of winter and we have had some very cold weather but not only did they wash the car but then decided they wanted to go to the pool! Madness! Yes okay it was Bay and Basin so it was heated but still......

They had a ball - it was so good to see the smiles on their faces as they laughed and played.


Sandra Allan said...

I am glad they had a great weekend together. I know how it is to be away from my best friend, so I am thinking of you Tash... Love you all. xxx