Monday, January 17, 2011

Girls Night

Saturday night was a wonderful night. I had wondered how I would cope after spending the day walking in the sun but I was soooooo looking forward to a special night out.
Jane and I went out to Red Raven for dinner and dessert..... yes I twisted her arm and FORCED her to eat dessert..... and of course it would have been rude to make her eat it on her own! Hehehe. Oh and there is the fact that Red Raven make the most ammmmmaaazzzzzing desserts. Then we walked down to Bottlerocket for Cocktails (for me) and Mocktails (for Jane who was driving).
It was a great night - we chatted, we vented, we laughed, we mused over some of life's difficult questions and generally just had a great time. I am so glad I was able to do this and it has been such a great benefit to me. Thank you so much Jane!


miss~nance said...

Love your new look blog.

Great to read all aboput your fun & outings.

Hugs & Blessings
