Monday, October 26, 2009

Mum's 70th Birthday

Saturday night we took Mum out to The Butterfactory for dinner.

When Mum was diagnosed with cancer she said that if she made it to 70 it would be a big celebration. So even though she didnt have a big party we wanted to do something special. so we went out for a lovely dinner. Tasha wanted to get Nana some balloons - after all it's not a party without balloons. Do you think she got enough? For Mum's birthday I made her up an album with photos from when she was baby, detailing all the major events in her life. I was quite happy with it and she loved it.

This is my favourite pic from the night. My kids and their Nana. Both of them adore Nana and they cherish the time they get to spend with her.