Tuesday, October 06, 2009


*SIGH* Its time to say goodbye........

My poor laptop has been hanging on by a very thin thread to life. For those of you who have met her she is an old thing. Very big and heavy and showing her age quite strongly. For some time she has been missing her ' or " key and recently she lost her f key as well. (which for typing my letters that involve a lot of left femoral bones or rotator cuff tears can be annoying)

I think it is time for her to retire and be replaced by a younger, newer model.

Farewell faithful machine (not easy to type with a dodgy f key) you have done well. Thankyou for all your assistance over the last quite a number of years and for your company on family holidays etc.


Hmmmm now got to go find a decent laptop, with a large memory at an amazing price - then copy everything across!!!!! May the adventures begin...................


miss~nance said...

OH Cathy I am soooooooo osorry your lap top died but its better than what I thougth when I read your title.


PS I am Twlight for the 2nd time - I thought you should know.