Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Catchups and clean ups!

What an exhausting few days! Firstly on Saturday I got to spend some time with some amazing people. These girls always remind me to laugh, they inspire me, they push me to keep going and above all - they never let me give up on myself. They are always there in the tough times and have prayed with me through some of the major things in my life. This is a small portion of the SoF girls - we are all NSW girls and meet up occasionally for a scrap day and chat session!
Unfortunately Tracey wasn't well so we didn't get to spend a great deal of time with Tracey and Marion but it was lovely to see them for the short period of time we did. Then on Monday mum decided my garden needed an overhaul. So we turned my front garden from this

to this!

sustaining an injury or two along the way! you know how in the cartoons they step on a rake and it comes up and hits them? Well that was me - except it was a hoe and it hit me full pelt in the stomach - totally winding me and leaving a lovely welt and bruise. OUCH!
I had to add this pic....... not one I thought I would ever see. Tony and my mother working together in a garden!! ( I should note that we needed a boys muscles and after doing this job he did retreat back inside)


Cass said...

Looks great. Think she could do something to my yard?

miss~nance said...

Garden looks great. ANd she can always come over here and attach a weeds or a thousand.
